In my Symfony app I have an entity 'Project' which contains two fields: 'createdOn' (type = date) and 'individual'. An individual can occur multiple times in 'Project'.
2012.12.01 | 3
2012.12.24 | 5
2013.01.10 | 9
I'm trying to build a query to count all distinct individuals grouped by 'createdOn' in such a way, that I get results sorted by month. And it must be possible to set a date range for the query.
My query so far:
'SELECT p.createdOn, COUNT (DISTINCT p.individual)
FROM ...\DossierBundle\Entity\Project p
WHERE p.createdOn
BETWEEN :name1
AND :name2'
'name1' => $startDate,
'name2' => $endDate,
This doesn't quite get me the desired result below
Dec 2012 | 2
Jan 2013 | 1
But instead I get
2012.12.01 | 1
2012.12.24 | 1
2013.01.10 | 1
Google didn't help me either so any support will be much appreciated.
You need to extend doctrine with custom dates functions , and be carefull because you cant use group by with functions so you'll have to trick doctrine.
have a look at that :
here is an exemple of a day native mysql function :
and read that for the group by issue and work around ( using as ) :
i needed to group visits by date ( without the time ) , so i wrote that dql query with a date extension :
select count(v) as visit_count , DATE(v.created_at) as day_created_at from Shorten\Entity\Visit v group by day_created_at
hope it helps.