I would like to have a list of email domains that are validated against to prevent from registering on my app.
10minutemail.com, yopmail.com, mail.com, mail.ru etc...
I have a list of domains in my user model like so:
BAD_DOMAINS = [/10minutemail.com/, /yopmail.com/, /mail/
I would like to add a User validates on the email field to add an error if the user is registering with one of these domains.
BAD_DOMAINS.each { |rule| return true if !domain.match(rule).nil? }
I have that regex working, but how do I add that as a validates? I tried this:
validates :email, :format => { : exclusion => BAD_DOMAINS,
:message => "%{value} no good." }
You need to combine all of your separate regular expressions into a singular one, but you might find it's easier to do that if you have a list of strings instead of a list of regular expressions:
EXCLUSION_REGEXP = Regexp.new('(?:' + EXCLUSION_DOMAINS.collect { |d| Regexp.escape(d) }.join('|') + ')$')
You'll want to ensure that things don't match this, so it's a little different to use:
validates :email,
:format => {
:message => "%{value} no good."
You should use some kind of valid email tester as well to be sure the address is plausible. It's expressed here as VALID_EMAIL_REGEXP
which is some kind of email validator regular expression. Try and use an RFC compliant one if you do that.