core-list-dart template how to bind to the model itself

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-01-05 03:51:19


I'm using the <core-list-dart> element in my Polymer Dart application:

<core-list-dart data="{{data}}">

Data is an array of Foo where Foo is:

class Foo {
  String name;

It is possible in the template refer to the Foo instance instead of his fields?

Something like:

<core-list-dart data="{{data}}">
        <foo-element foo="{{ITEM}}"></foo-element>


From version 0.4.0 of core_elements the model is exposed as model variable in the template.

Old response:

To bind the Item you can use the {{}} annotation as explained in the @Günter Zöchbauer answer:

<foo-element foo="{{}}"></foo-element>

The problem is that the elements in the array are wrapped by a ListModel class. The "real" element is not accessible (maybe the library can be modified giving this possibility).

The workaround is to put a getter to the model object (Foo) like this:

class Foo {
 String name;
 Foo get self => this;

So in the template you can do this:

<foo-element foo="{{self}}"></foo-element>


I just tried it and it works.

<foo-element foo="{{}}"></foo-element>

see - Repeating templates

