I'm using the new Azure WebJobs feature and have a simple trigger when a new file comes into one of by blobs:
public static void ProcessImportFile([BlobInput("importjobsdata/{name}")] TextReader input,
[BlobOutput("importjobslog/log_{name}")] TextWriter writer)
writer.WriteLine("Starting import file process...");
var result = InputData(input, writer);
var status = result == 0 ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL";
var message = result == 0
? "Import success."
: "Import fail. " + result + " records failed to import. Check logs for details.";
What I'd like to do is get the name of the file that was uploaded (ie. the {name} property in the data annotation) so that I can write that information to the writer (log) for diagnostic purposes.
However, I can't seem to find any properties of the TextReader/BlobInput that will give me this information.
I've done a little digging and it appears that the BaseStream property of the TextReader is a Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Jobs.WatchableStream object. I'm not sure if this helps track down the name or not.
How do I go about getting it?
the value of the name
capture would be passed to arguments with that name as well. So you should be able to do that:
public static void ProcessImportFile([BlobInput("importjobsdata/{name}")] TextReader input,
string name,
[BlobOutput("importjobslog/log_{name}")] TextWriter writer)