When the records are many and it needs to be print on second page of the pdf I have encounter this error
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DOMPDF_Exception' with message 'Frame not found in cellmap' in C:\xampp\htdocs\pdf_dompdf\dompdf\include\cellmap.cls.php:244 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\pdf_dompdf\dompdf\include\table_cell_renderer.cls.php(50): Cellmap->get_spanned_cells(Object(Table_Cell_Frame_Decorator)) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\pdf_dompdf\dompdf\include\renderer.cls.php(287): Table_Cell_Renderer->render(Object(Table_Cell_Frame_Decorator)) #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\pdf_dompdf\dompdf\include\renderer.cls.php(107): Renderer->_render_frame('table-cell', Object(Table_Cell_Frame_Decorator)) #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\pdf_dompdf\dompdf\include\renderer.cls.php(190): Renderer->render(Object(Table_Cell_Frame_Decorator)) #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\pdf_dompdf\dompdf\include\renderer.cls.php(190): Renderer->render(Object(Table_Row_Frame_Decorator)) #5 C:\xampp\htdocs\pdf_dompdf\dompdf\include\renderer.cls.php(190): Renderer->render(Object(Table_Row_Group_Frame_Decorator)) #6 C:\xampp\htdocs\pdf_dompdf\dompdf\include\renderer.cls.php(190): Renderer->render in C:\xampp\htdocs\pdf_dompdf\dompdf\include\cellmap.cls.php on line 244
<div class="ORMExSum">
<h1 align="center">ORM Executive Summary Report</h1>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%">
<caption style="text-align:left; padding-bottom: 10px;">Keyword: <?php echo 'Juan dela Cruz, Juan Cruz'; ?></caption>
<thead class="theader">
<tr><th colspan="<?php echo 3+$rtweekly; ?>">Weekly Rankings</th></tr>
<th width="10%">Location</th>
<th width="40%">Negative Snippet</th>
<th width="10%">Previous Ranking</th>
<?php while($rw1<$rtweekly): ?>
<th width="8%">
<?php echo date('M. d', strtotime (mysql_result($tweekly,$rw1,"WeeklyRank"))); $rw1++; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php $x='a';while($rw2<$rsummary): $rw3 = 0;?>
<td rowspan="<?php echo $cnt[$x]+1;$x++;?>">
<?php echo mysql_result($summary,$rw2,"Location"); ?>
<?php for ($i=0; $i < 2+$rtweekly; $i++): ?>
<?php $cnt++; endfor;?>
<?php while($rw3<$rsnippet): $rw4 = 0;?>
<?php if(mysql_result($snippet,$rw3,"SummaryID") == mysql_result($summary,$rw2,"LocationID")): ?>
<td style="font-size:11px;">
<?php echo mysql_result($snippet,$rw3,"NegativeSnippet"); ?>
<?php echo mysql_result($snippet,$rw3,"PreviousRank"); ?>
<?php while($rw4<$rtweekly): $rw5 = 0;?>
<?php while($rw5<$rweekly): ?>
<?php if(mysql_result($weekly,$rw5,"SummaryID") == mysql_result($summary,$rw2,"LocationID") && mysql_result($weekly,$rw5,"SnipPrevID") == mysql_result($snippet,$rw3,"NSPID") && mysql_result($tweekly,$rw4,"WeeklyRank") == mysql_result($weekly,$rw5,"WeeklyRank")): ?>
<?php echo mysql_result($weekly,$rw5,"Rank"); ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php $rw5++; endwhile; ?>
<?php $rw4++; endwhile; ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php $rw3++; endwhile; ?>
<?php $rw2++; endwhile; ?>
I had the same issues.
I've fix it with X row.. force to break-page.
it's just because the pdf try to output a lot of row and he can't jump to the next page.
In your case, try to place an :
page-break-after: always;
on the first tr..
<?php $x='a';while($rw2<$rsummary): $rw3 = 0;?>
<tr style="page-break-after: always;">
or you can make a php to do that after X line.
I hope that will be useful for someone.
Best regards,
===== EDIT =====
Also, remove the "border-collapse" on your table.
This happens when a table extends beyond the size of the paper.
You can use a custom paper size. It will solve the problem.
Example :
$paper_orientation = 'landscape';
$customPaper = array(0,0,950,950);
I have been facing the same problem for days, in a huge table with rowspan and colspan, but no border-collapse:collapse (there is a known issue related to that property).
I have resolved it by adding this to the style of my table element:
Hope it helps!
I had the same issues. Make sure you don't have any external css or any other linked file. However i fixed it by completely designing the PDF file through internal css and inline css. I hope it solve your problem.
This could be solved when closing the tables several times. Then tables fits to the paper size ant the error is gone.