Say I have an appropriately sized image inside an Image()
I want to change the Thumb or Knob of the JScrollBar
component to be this image.
I know I need to subclass the ScrollBarUI
Here is where I am at right now.
public class aScrollBar extends JScrollBar {
public aScrollBar(Image img) {
this.setUI(new ScrollBarCustomUI(img));
public class ScrollBarCustomUI extends BasicScrollBarUI {
private final Image image;
public ScrollBarCustomUI(Image img) {
this.image = img;
protected void paintThumb(Graphics g, JComponent c, Rectangle thumbBounds) {
Graphics2D g2g = (Graphics2D) g;
g2g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
super.paintThumb(g2g, c, thumbBounds);
protected void paintTrack(Graphics g, JComponent c, Rectangle trackBounds) {
super.paintTrack(g, c, trackBounds);
protected void setThumbBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
super.setThumbBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
protected Dimension getMinimumThumbSize() {
return new Dimension(0, 0);
protected Dimension getMaximumThumbSize() {
return new Dimension(0, 0);
Right now I don't see any Thumb, only a Track when I try to click around the ScrollBar.
I checked out this article and saw people recommended you read this but nowhere does he mention images so this is what I came up with.
Hopefully someone can help me, Thanks!
The problem is:
g2g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
You have to use the current thumb position as the starting drawing point. I think it must be thumbRect.x and thumbRect.y, so:
g2g.drawImage(image, thumbRect.x, thumbRect.y, null); should work.
In Addition, I'm not sure of your call of the super-method in paintThumb. Wouldn't that line override your customized stuff?
And: Call of dispose should be left out.
Why are you calling g2g.dispose()
? It's destroys Graphics object so it can't to paint thumb. Try to remove this call inside paintThumb
method. Here is example of drawing custom thumb :
protected void paintThumb(Graphics g, JComponent c, Rectangle thumbBounds) {
if (thumbBounds.isEmpty() || !scrollbar.isEnabled()) {
g.translate(thumbBounds.x, thumbBounds.y);
g.drawRect(0, 0, thumbBounds.width - 2, thumbBounds.height - 1);
AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance((double) thumbBounds.width
/ thumbImg.getWidth(null), (double) thumbBounds.height / thumbImg.getHeight(null));
((Graphics2D) g).drawImage(thumbImg, transform, null);
g.translate(-thumbBounds.x, -thumbBounds.y);