overwriting mp4/wmv video's audio content with a new audio in C#

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-01-04 05:37:53


I have a video clip and an audio clip. I want to place the audio over a section of the video. The starting point of both match, but the video is slightly longer. I want to do this in C# preferably. Does anybody know how I can do this ? I want to batch up a huge bunch of short ( 10 -12 min clips), and so need this to be in code.

Thnx for the help.



Your requirements is a quite specific. And I can see only a one way how to solve it. In my opinion, you should follow in the way of using FFmpeg. The bad news in this case - it is a not a managed tool, so you should create/find some wrapper for using it. And good news - some wrappers already was created and bellow you can see a list of them:

1) http://www.ffmpeg-csharp.com/

2) NET Media Handler Pro

3) http://jasonjano.wordpress.com/2010/02/09/a-simple-c-wrapper-for-ffmpeg/

