I'm trying to get a boolean value from a SoapObject, I've gotten from a response from a web server using kSOAP2 in Android...
I've saved the response form the web call in a SoapObject:
SoapObject sResult = (SoapObject)envelope.bodyIn;
and I'm iterating through the response and grabbing the values
SoapObject soapresults = (SoapObject)sResult.getProperty(0);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
SoapObject mail = (SoapObject)soapresults.getProperty(i);
/*Getting the values here*/
A mail SoapObject will be similar to this:
MessageInstance=anyType{AuthorName=Børnehaven; CreatedAtUtc=2012-04-10T18:30:00; Id=631; MessageBody=Husk i morgen; Recipient=anyType{FullName=null; Id=2104535421; IsRead=true; ReadAtUtc=2012-04-10T18:30:00; }; };
And the only value I'm having trouble grabbing is the "IsRead" value, which I want to store as a boolean...
I've tried a few things:
((Boolean) mail.getProperty("IsRead")).booleanValue();
But I keep getting:
W/System.err(1283): java.lang.RuntimeException: illegal property: IsRead
What is the correct way of getting it?
Try this code snippet:
SoapObject soRecipient = (SoapObject) mail.getProperty("Recipient");
boolean isRead = Boolean.parseBoolean(soRecipient.getPropertyAsString("IsRead"));
String fullName = soRecipient.getPropertyAsString("FullName");
String id = soRecipient.getPropertyAsString("Id");
String readAtUtc = soRecipient.getPropertyAsString("ReadAtUtc");