I have been trying to run all the examples and demos provided by R3 Corda on my local machine which has windows 10 in it. https://docs.corda.net/releases/release-V1.0/running-the-demos.html While example 1 and 2 are working fine, but I am unable to run the demos. While the nodes are getting deployed, but once I run the nodes using runnodes command from command-line, they open in terminals and immediately close. Please can someone from #r3corda #corda team may help to sort this out.
I was running into the similar issue on Win 10. Running the following:
>java -jar corda.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load library. Reasons: [no jansi64-1.14 in java.library.path, no jansi-1.14 in java.library.path, no jansi in java.library.path,
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\jansi-64-1-6925657630491746639.14: Access is denied]
Downloading the missing library to C:\windows reloved it.
Download Link: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/j/Downloadjansi14jar.htm