All of this is new to me so please forgive my noobish question.
I'm trying to figure out HMAC step by step.
Let's say I have a following SHA-1 method:
public static string SHA_1(string input)
SHA1CryptoServiceProvider mySha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
string temp = BitConverter.ToString(mySha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input)));
temp = temp.Replace("-", "").ToUpper();
return temp;
It receives a plain text string;
Let's say my secret key is "" (empty string) and so is the message; The HMAC is supposed to be: fbdb1d1b18aa6c08324b7d64b71fb76370690e1d
Now that's where I am a bit lost. I'll write down the steps as I understand them and please correct me if I am wrong (or where I am wrong rather).
- If the key is shorter than 64 bytes I need to pad it with 0's. So the padded key is 0x00 (x64 - because the key is empty, otherwise it's 64-key.Length);
- Two constants each 64 bytes long are:
ipad = 0x36 (x64)
opad = 0x5c (x64)
- because the key is empty string XOR results in the same opad and ipad, i.e.
ipad XOR key = ipad
opad XOR key = opad
- At this point all left to do is to compute the HMAC itself.
So: HMAC = Hash(opad || Hash(ipad || message)) and that should be it.
But I am not sure how to execute this. The message is a text string. opad and ipad are uint/byte arrays. I can convert them to ASCII as well and receive respectively:
ipad_str = "6666666666..." x64
opad_str = "\\\\\\\...." x64
Now my HMAC is supposed to be:
HMAC = SHA_1("\\\\\\...."+ SHA_1("6666666...."))
but the result doesn't match. Instead it is: 4DCF4B8D646EBD77EB704A9240BFA429078131A2
What am I missing here? Does the empty message have to be padded as well? I suspect that I misinterpret the concatenation, but I am not sure what other options I have. Should I leave ipad and opad as hex? SHA1 methods receives string so I must convert to some sort of a string, I just can't figure out what type exactly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!
The problem with my method was so obvious, it's not even funny. While appending the result of the opad and inner hash I left the inner hash in hex format but treated it as ASCII, as a result 104 bytes were sent to the outer hash instead of 84. So the solution is something like: HMAC = SHA_1(opad + HexToASCII(SHA_1(ipad)));