Determine Remote Desktop Protocol version programmatically?

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-04 05:09:12


Remote Desktop Protocol version 6.1 changed the way RDP sessions are handled (making session 0, which previously meant "console session", into a non-interactive session). I need to be able to figure out from within my program how to determine just what version of the RD protocol is being used on the current RDP session. Nothing I can find in the Windows Terminal Services API, however, seems to give me the protocol version.


the WTSClientBuildNumber attribute in the WTS_INFO_CLASS contains the client build number which appears to be the version of the client's RDP.

The WTS_INFO_CLASS enumeration type contains values that indicate the type of session information to retrieve in a call to the WTSQuerySessionInformation function.

here is the msdn terminal services api article.

