I have a arithmetic program in assembly, but when i add, subtract, multiply negative numbers, it will not result in desired output.
For Example
-1+2=66675 (should be 1)
-1-1=656745 (should be -2)
-1*-1=66757 (should be 1)
how would i treat (-) and (1) as one?
how to do arithmetic operation in signed numbers?
any advice please ...
I recommend reading up on 2's compliment and the difference between signed and unsigned ints. The value you are showing looks suspiciously like a signed int negative value being translated into an unsigned int value without doing a conversion. Negative ints have a Most Significant Bit that is set to 1. If you shove that value into an unsigned int without first masking then you get a much larger number then expected.
Example in a 8 bit representation:
signed value = -1
unsigned value = 255
binary = 1111 1111
Take the twos compliment:
1111 1111
XOR 0000 0000
equals 0000 0000
add1 0000 0001
dec value = 1
You can learn more here (They have an example for two's compliment addition you can look at): http://academic.evergreen.edu/projects/biophysics/technotes/program/2s_comp.htm