angularJS: ui-router equivalent to $

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-01-04 04:42:07


I'm using the following to do paging in my datagrid:

$'page', page);

where page is the current page number.

Then I listen to the following event:

   $scope.$on('$routeUpdate', function(next, current) {
            $scope.currentPage = $ ? Number($ : 1;


That triggers a call to a search() method on my scope after updating the currentPage that is in the URL.

How would I translate that to states with ui-router ? The $routeUpdate is no longer triggered since I'm using a state manager instead of routes.

My route is now defined in the state provider as such:

        .state('mandats', {
            url: '/domiciliations/mandats',
            templateUrl: 'domiciliations/views/mandats.html',
            controller: 'mandatsCtrl'


I ended up listening to the $locationChangeSuccess event instead and that solved it.


I would try to use the controller (mandatsCtrl in your example) to put that logic. the view controller will be called with every parameter change, and you could inject the $stateParams into it to get the page #

other similar option to explore is the view controllers which is what I've used at some point

last, since $stateParams is injectable, you might want to inject it to your custom-built directive and use it there straight

