XMPPStreamManagement in iOS unable to send/receive acknowledgement and stanza id

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-01-04 02:53:12


I am able to send messages to users which means i have a working and authenticated xmppStream.

But i am unable to send and receive acknowledgement from server. I want to know which message was received successfully by the server. I googled and found that XEP-0198 should be implemented for this. I am using ejabberd as XMPP server and it supports XEP-0198.

I tried that but i don't know if i am doing it right or not.

First of all i included the header file and added XMPPStreamManagementDelegate.

#import "XMPPStreamManagement.h"
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate,XMPPStreamManagementDelegate>

In the implementation file, here's how i have defined the stream.

XMPPStream *xmppS = [[XMPPStream alloc] init];
[xmppS addDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];

XMPPStreamManagement  *xsm = [[XMPPStreamManagement alloc] init];
[xsm addDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
[xsm activate:xmppS];

After that i connect with the server. After the connection is successful, i send an enable stanza.

NSXMLElement *enable = [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"enable" xmlns:@"urn:xmpp:sm:3"];
[xsm.xmppStream sendElement:enable];

Then i send a message

NSXMLElement *a = [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"request" xmlns:@"urn:xmpp:receipts"];
XMPPElement *e = [[XMPPElement alloc] initWithName:@"message"];
[e addAttributeWithName:@"id" stringValue:@"123456"];
[e addAttributeWithName:@"type" stringValue:@"chat"];
[e addAttributeWithName:@"to" stringValue:@"testuser@myxmppserver.com"];
[e addAttributeWithName:@"from" stringValue:@"testuser2@myxmppserver.com"];
[e addChild:a];
[xsm.xmppStream sendElement:e];

Test User receives the message and Test User 2 gets the received stanza.

<received xmlns="urn:xmpp:receipts" id="123456"/>

My problem is if i send the following stanza, i receive no message.

NSXMLElement *r = [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"r"];
[xsm.xmppStream sendElement:r];

I have implemented the following function

-(void)xmppStreamManagementDidRequestAck:(XMPPStreamManagement *)sender

But still nothing gets printed. Please help. Also, how can i know when the server has received the sent message.

Let me know if anyone wants to know any other part of code from my side.


You can use the functions in xmppStreamManagement for sending the request and get received id:

[xmppStreamManagement requestAck];


- (void)xmppStreamManagement:(XMPPStreamManagement *)sender wasEnabled:(NSXMLElement *)enabled 

- (void)xmppStreamManagement:(XMPPStreamManagement *)sender didReceiveAckForStanzaIds:(NSArray *)stanzaIds

make sure the stream management is enabled by:

[self.xmppStreamManagement enableStreamManagementWithResumption:YES maxTimeout:0];

