Symfony2 form refresh same page after submit

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-03 17:29:13


I have a form whose content is created from a DB.

in my controller i have:

 * @Route("/HR/manage/{projectID}", name="hr_manage")
public function manageHRAction(Request $request, $projectID)
//here I get all the data from DB and create the form
if ($form->isValid()) 
    //here I do all the relevant changes in the DB
    return $this->render('HR/show.html.twig', array('hrlist' => $HRsInMyDomain, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'HRs' => $HRsInThisProject, 'project' => $prj, ));
return $this->render('HR/show.html.twig', array('hrlist' => $HRsInMyDomain, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'HRs' => $HRsInThisProject, 'project' => $prj, ));

It updates the info on the DB properly, but it does not build again the form with updated data. Instead of the return inside the "isValid()" I simply need a refresh on the current page.

I assume it's possible and easy to accomplish, but I failed to find how to do it :/

EDIT - here comes more relevant code:

 * @Route("/HR/manage/{projectID}", name="hr_manage")
public function manageHRAction(Request $request, $projectID)
$user = $this->container->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser(); //get current user
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); //connect to DB
$prj = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Project')->findOneById($projectID);
// here comes some code to generate the list of $HRsInThisProject and the list of roles ($rolesListForForm)
foreach ($HRsInThisProject as $key => $HR)
    $form->add('roleOf_'.$key, 'choice', array('choices'   => $rolesListForForm, 'required'  => true, 'data' => $HR['role'], 'label' => false, ));
    $form->add('isActive_'.$key, 'choice', array('choices'   => [0 => 'Inactive', 1 => 'Active'] , 'required'  => true, 'data' => $HR['is_active'], 'label' => false, ));
// here there is some code to get the $HRsInMyDomainForForm
$form->add('HRid', 'choice', array('choices' => $HRsInMyDomainForForm,'required' => false, 'placeholder' => 'Choose a resource', 'label' => false, ));
$form->add('role', 'choice', array('choices' => $rolesListForForm,'required' => false, 'placeholder' => 'Choose a role', 'label' => false, ));            
$form->add('save', 'submit', array('label' => 'Save'));     


if ($form->isValid()) 
        [...] here there is a huge portion of code that determines if I need to generate a new "event" to be stored, or even multiple events as I can change several form fields at once

        // If I needed to create the event I persist it (this is inside a foreach)
    return $this->render('HR/show.html.twig', array('projectID' => $prj->getId(), 'hrlist' => $HRsInMyDomain, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'HRs' => $HRsInThisProject, 'project' => $prj, ));
return $this->render('HR/show.html.twig', array('projectID' => $prj->getId(), 'hrlist' => $HRsInMyDomain, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'HRs' => $HRsInThisProject, 'project' => $prj, ));

I also include a screenshot of the form:

If a user selects to add a new resouce, I need to persist it to DB (and that is done properly) but then I need to see it in the list of available HRs, without the need for the user to reload the page.


More dynamic way would be:

$request = $this->getRequest();

return $this->redirectToRoute($request->get('_route'), $request->query->all());

or simply

return $this->redirect($request->getUri());


I managed to solve it in a simple (and I hope correct) way.

I simply substituted the "render" inside the isValid() with the following:

return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('hr_manage', array('projectID' => $prj->getId())));

I works, but does anybody foresee problems with this solution?


You have to link the form to the request.

$entity = new Entity();
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($entity)
    ->add('field1', 'text')
    ->add('field2', 'date')
    ->add('save', 'submit', array('label' => 'Submit'))
$form->handleRequest($request); // <= this links the form to the request.

only after that you test $form->isValid() and pass this form when rendering the template. If you already did this and haven't included in the code above please show more code for better help.


Here is the right way to do it. Event though you have $projectId slug, in Action you can pass whole Object, in this case Project. Symfony will take care for the rest (fetching right Project entity for you.

 * @Route("/HR/manage/{projectID}", name="hr_manage")
public function manageHRAction(Request $request, Project $project)
    $form = $this->createForm(new ProjectType(), $project);

    // ... your business logic or what ever

    //here I get all the data from DB and create the form
    if ($form->isValid() && $form->isSubmitted()) {
        // no need to flush since entity already exists
        // no need to redirect

    // here $form->createView() will populate fields with data since you have passed Poroject $project to form
    return $this->render('HR/show.html.twig', array('hrlist' => $HRsInMyDomain, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'HRs' => $HRsInThisProject, 'project' => $prj, ));


According to your edit, you need to use javascript for client-side dom manipulation. Check this link from Symfony official document embedded forms. Here you'll find an example of what you're trying to accomplish.

