How to fix HTTP 404 on Github Pages?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-01-03 17:00:18


Here is my GitHub repository on the gh-pages branch. Everything looks good, I have my index.html, my CSS, JS and pictures folders.

But when I access I get HTTP 404 not found.

Any explanation and solution?


I had just one commit with all my files. I pushed an empty commit, refreshed the page and it worked.

git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger rebuild"
git push


In my case, I had folders whose names started with _ (like _css and _js), which GH Pages ignores as per Jekyll processing rules. If you don't use Jekyll, the workaround is to place a file named .nojekyll in the root directory.


I did all the tricks here on My Fork to fix page 404 on Github Page but it kept 404'ing.

Finaly found that my browser hardly keep the 10 minutes cache before it up on the web.

Just add /index.html into the end of URL then it showed up and solved the case.


Four months ago I have contacted the support and they told me it was a problem on their side, they have temporarily fix it (for the current commit).

Today I tried again

  1. I deleted the gh-pages branch on github

    git push origin --delete gh-pages

  2. I deleted the gh-pages branch on local

    git branch -D gh-pages

  3. I reinitialized git

    git init

  4. I recreated the branch on local

    git branch gh-pages

  5. I pushed the gh-pages branch to github

    git push origin gh-pages

Works fine, I can finally update my files on the page.


If you haven't already, choose a Jekyll theme in your GitHub Pages settings tab. Apparently this is required even if you're not using Jekyll for your Pages site.


I had the same issue after forking a repo with a gh-pages branch. I was able to fix by simply pushing a new commit (just whitespace in index.html) to my fork's gh-pages branch.


In my case on 8/Aug/2017

  1. if your user page is, you repo name must be
  2. under root, create a file index.html

  3. under root, create a folder docs, create a file CNAME under docs (note: NO extension like .txt, make sure your file system shows extension)

  4. gh-pages branch is optional, master branch is sufficient

more: check official docs here:


My pages also kept 404'ing. Contacted support, and they pointed out that the url is case sensitive; solved my issue.


Just wait about ten minutes to one hour. If it still doesn't work, contact github. Usually it's the problem at their end. But, if you're in a hurry, you can try to open by adding "?" question mark at the end of URL. It force query to search for the resource. Like this:


If you are sure that your structure is correct, just push an empty commit or update the index.html file with some space, it works!


Add the following in the beginning of the index.html file

<!DOCTYPE html>


I got the site to work by deleting the "" folder on my computer going through the steps again, including changing the index/html file.

My mistake (I think) is that i initially cloned "" instead of (no ".git")


In my case, all the suggestions above were correct. I had most pages working except few that were returning 404 even though the markdown files are there and they seemed correct. Here is what fixed it for me on these pages:

  • On one page, there were a few special characters that are not part of UTF-8 and I think that's why GitHub pages was not able to render them. Updating/removing these char and pushing a new commit fixed it.
  • On another page, I found that there were apostrophes ' surrounding the title, I removed them and the page content started showing fine


I bound my domain before this problem appeared. I committed and pushed the branch gh-pages and it solved my problem. New commits force jekyll to rebuild your pages.


In my case, the URL was quite long. So, I guess there is a limit. I put it to my custom subdomain and it worked.


in my case i had to go to project settings and enable the github pages. The default is off


If you saw 404 even everything looks right, try switching https/http.

The original question has the url wrong, usually you can check repo settings and found the correct url for generated site.

However I have everything set up correctly, and the setting page said it's published, then I still saw 404.

Thanks for the comment of @Rohit Suthar (though that comment was to use https), I changed the url to http and it worked, then https worked too.


On a private repo, when I first added and pushed my gh-pages branch to github, the settings for github pages automatically changed to indicate that the gh-pages branch would be published, but there no green or blue bar with the url and no custom domain options.

It wasn't until I switched the source to master and quickly switched the source back to gh-pages that it actually updated with the green bar that contains the published url.


Go to settings section of your repository and choose master branch at the Source section and click save button after that refresh the page and you will be able to see the link of your page!.


I faced this problem (404) too and the root cause was my file was named I was developing on Windows and my local Jekyll site worked (since Windows treats file names case insensitive by default). When pushed to Github, it didn't work. Once I renamed the to, things worked well.


Yet another scenario:

  • using an Organization Page (not a Project page) that has a repository named <orgname>
  • source documents as markup in master branch (asciidoc)
  • Travis CI pulling source doc files from master and pushing generated html files to gh-pages branch

The gh-pages branch is updated with the generated html pages. The GitHub Environment tab provides the link to the organization page. Clicking it results in a 404.

According to

User and Organization Pages that have this type of repository name are only published from the master branch

If I understand this correctly, GitHub Pages will not be published from the gh-pages branch if you are creating a User or Organization site rather than a Project site.

I renamed my repo to make it a Project site rather than Organization site and then the gh-pages branch was published as expected.


I had same issue.. Very strange issue.. My HTML was with space after title

> <title>
> <script>

Fixed, after removing space

> <title>
> <script>


Also, GitHub pages doesn't currently support Git LFS. As such, if you have images (or other binary assets) in GitHub pages committed with Git LFS, you'll get 404 not found for those files.

This will be quite common for documentation generated with Doxygen or similar tool.

The solution in this case is to simply not commit those files with Git LFS.


In my case my repository was private. Make repository public and go through all steps again.


Another variant of this error:

I set up my first Github page after a tutorial but gave the file a - from my perspective - more meaningful name:

That was a fatal mistake:

We’ll use your README file as the site’s index if you don’t have an (or index.html), not dissimilar from when you browse to a repository on GitHub.

(from Publishing with GitHub Pages, now as easy as 1, 2, 3)

I was then able to access my website page using the published at link specified under Repository / Settings / GitHub Pages followed by welcome.html or shorter welcome.


I also faced this issue, my pages getting 404. And then I added on my repository, and the 404 was gone.

