PostgisDialect vs PostgreSQLDialect or both?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-03 15:32:48


My application is going to use the following technologies:

  • Postgresql
  • Postgis
  • JPA/Hibernate
  • Spring
  • Spring Data JPA

I understand (from the Hibernate Spatial documentation) that one has to use the following dialect: org.hibernate.spatial.dialect.postgis.PostgisDialect

What I don't understand though is how the above dialect relates to the standard Posgresql dialect, i.e. org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect...

Is the Postgis dialect a superset of the standard Posgresql dialect?

Will all features of the latest standard Posgresql dialect be available in the Postgis dialect?

I guess I can't use several/multiple dialects on the same entityManager factory... Then what are the best practices to get the best of both dialects?


The PostgisDialect actually extends the Postgresql dialect, so, yes, it is a superset. See the class declaration: PostgisDialect class declaration

There is a good tutorial here: Hibernate spatial with Postgis that show that you only need to include the Postgis Dialect in order to persist both spatial and non-spatial fields.

Postgis primary provides support for spatial objects on top of Postgresql. A Postgis installation also includes GEOS (a C++ port of Java Topology Suite) which provides many of the actual geometric functions, Proj4, which provides support for different coordinate systems/projections and GDAL, which is a conversion utility between various geographical data formats.

