Addition of very small Double values (Java) [duplicate]

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-01-03 05:06:04


I was wondering, why my simple addition of some double values leads to the following results in Java:

double a = 1 + 1E-10; // 1.0000000001 (as expected)
double b = 1 + 1E-15; // 1.000000000000001 (as expected)
double c = 1 + 1E-20; // 1.0 (why?)

I thought I can at least add a value of Double.MIN_VALUE, which seems to be 4.9E-324.

What am I doing wrong here?


As @Turing85 points out, a double has 11 bits of exponent and 53 bits of mantissa.

What we are calculating here is 1.0 + 1E-20. To represent that number (more precisely than 1.0) we need at least 21 decimal digits of precision or 71 bits. That is more precision than a double provides in the mantissa.

So, the nearest representable double number to 1.0 + 1E-20 is .... 1.0. And that's the result you get.

Welcome to mysterious world of floating point arithmetic.


You are not doing anything wrong here. The concept of decimal precision is at hand. There is always a possibility of error in floating point numbers. And the common error value is represented as:

- 1/2E-n <= error <=  1/2E-n

where n is the number of decimal digits you have defined.

More about floating point errors can be found here.

