Can we able to display multiple ads in same screen using AdMob

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-01-03 03:24:05


I have one app in which I want to display multiple ads in same screen.

App has one recycler view & which is scrollable more than 200 items. After in each 6 items, I have planed display the ads from admob. Are we able to do this using admob.?

I have tried with single ad unit id, with this all displaying ads are same. How to get different ads in same screen with more secure way & without violating policies ?

Please help!!


You can have more than one ad in the same Activity, but only one should be on the screen at any given time. If you're using a RecyclerView and mixing ads with content, just make sure you have enough space between ads that they don't share the screen.

Because display sizes vary so much from device to device (especially from phone to tablet), you should check the device dimensions and use them to decide how far apart to space your ads.

