I've had already implemented a function to search for users using the FirebaseDatabase
like that:
REF_USERS.queryOrdered(byChild: "username_lowercase").queryEnding(atValue: text+"\u{f8ff}").queryLimited(toFirst: 25).queryStarting(atValue: text).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with:
(snapshot) in
(s) in
let child = s as! DataSnapshot
if let dict = child.value as? [String: Any]
let user = UserInfo.createUser(dict: dict, key: child.key)
if user.id! != currentUserId
But now I've decided to switch from the Database
to Firestore
and since they've been bragging about their great querying I figured it shouldn't be too hard but for a few days now I've been trying to figure out how to search for users and can't seem to get it done.
Thats the code I have so far:
REF_USERS.order(by: "username_lowercased").limit(to: 25).order(by: text).getDocuments
(snapshot, error) in
(s) in
let child = s
let user = UserInfo.createUser(dict: child.data(), key: child.documentID)
if user.id! != currentUserId
But like i said nothing really works.
Any suggestions? Id really appreciate it c:
First of all start by handling errors. Errors in Firestore are very descriptive and they will guide you what needs to be done in order for your query to work.
guard let snapshot = snapshot else {
// Make your completion handler work with errors as well so you can read / display them
// completion(nil, error)
// For now just print the error
Also when you want to call a success completion handler when a condition is met, I suggest you just use a for loop and break when needed:
for document in snapshot.documents {
if user.id! != currentUserId {
I hope this helps.