Magento CE grand total including tax is incorrect

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-03 03:17:09


Hitting a brick wall here, for some reason Magento in the shopping cart is actually discounting the VAT from the total due. We are working with UK VAT (20%), and catalog prices include tax.

In this example the subtotal including tax comes to £9.50

So why on earth can the grand total including Tax come to £7.92? We haven't applied any discount to the item, so it's even more confusing. The grand total is worked out completely wrong for some reason.

Data displayed in cart:

Subtotal (inc VAT)  £9.50
Grand Total Excl. Tax   £6.34
Tax £1.58
Grand Total Incl. Tax   £7.92

Is this a confirmed bug in Magento CE or is there a way to correct this?


I had encountered the same issue, steps to solve it are:

  1. Go to this location : app/code/core/Mage/Sales/etc/config.xml
  2. Make a copy of it in app/code/local : app/code/local/Mage/Sales/etc/config.xml
  3. next on line number 1221 add msrp

  4. Next add on line 1230 add

    1. this should solve your issue. Thank you :)


It seems that some configuration issue with catalog price rules and tax class setting.

Just checked tax class is working fine adding tax in grand total, without any issue.

If you have setup promotion or discount for user type in that and might be same class with same user type is added from tax class setting might be due this, system provide discount to that user type and showing that tax is added.

Please recheck setting once and let me know if still we are facing same issue.


