requirements.txt file:
django>=1.1 mysql-python python-openid psycopg2 html5lib markdown git+git://github.com/dcramer/django-sphinx.git South
first, virtualenv ~/webapps/ --distribute source ~/webapps//bin/activate export PATH=/usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/:$PATH (this is to avoid the pg_config not found error http://community.webfaction.com/questions/736/installing-psycopg2) then pip-2.7 install -r requirements.txt
And remember don't do pip install which install into 2.4; need to invoke pip-2.7 install
- Go here.
- Click "Install".
- Add the OSQA app that you just created to your site.
- Done!
Just to share, I installed OSQA on Webfaction following SeanF's instructions above and it was a breeze. I could even customize the script a little bit. Now the work is on customizing the site, not spending countless setting up the deployment. Thanks Webfaction and SeanF.