With aid of this and this questions I managed to create the most of the desired file structure in a project by copying this from my plugin bundle.
URL templatesURL = Activator.getDefault().getBundle().getEntry(TEMPLATES_PATH);
File templatesFolder = new File(FileLocator.toFileURL(templatesURL).getPath());
copyFiles(templatesFolder, project, monitor);
I have two folders TEMPLATES_PATH + "\test\java"
with no files in them. I want these to be created as well, but they don't. Investigations led me to the folder where OSGi extracts the contents of the bundle:
The folders aren't being extracted! I could either create an empty file "test\java\.touch"
or create the folders manually with
IFolder testFolder = project.getFolder(new Path("test"));
testFolder.create(true, true monitor);
testFolder.getFolder(new Path("java")).create(true, true monitor);
I can get the desired structure using one of the both ways but I would like to know: is there a way to make FileLocator
extract the folders?
Looks like the code that builds the directories is org.eclipse.osgi.storage.bundlefile.ZipBundleFile
I don't see any way to influence what it does with empty directories.