How to reshape long to wide data in Stata?

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-01-02 08:59:05


I have the following data:

id      tests      testvalue
1       A           4
1       B           5
1       C           3
1       D           3 
2       A           3
2       B           3
3       C           3
3       D           4
4       A           3
4       B           5
4       A           1
4       B           3

I would like to change the above long data format into following wide data.

id      testA   testB    testC   testD   index
1       4      5        3         3        1
2       3      3        .         .        2
3       .      .        3         4        3
4       3      5        .         .        4
4       1      3        .         .        5

I am trying

reshape wide testvalue, i(id) j(tests) 

It gives error because there are no unique values within tests.

What would be the solution to this problem?


You need to create an extra identifier to make replicates distinguishable.

input id  str1    tests      testvalue
1       A           4
1       B           5
1       C           3
1       D           3 
2       A           3
2       B           3
3       C           3
3       D           4
4       A           3
4       B           5
4       A           1
4       B           3
bysort id tests: gen replicate = _n 
reshape wide testvalue, i(id replicate) j(tests) string 

See also here for documentation.

