VBA haversine formula

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-01-02 07:03:14


I am trying to implement Haversine formula into excel function. Its looks like this:

Public Function Haversine(Lat1 As Variant, Lon1 As Variant, Lat2 As Variant, Lon2 As Variant)
Dim R As Integer, dlon As Variant, dlat As Variant, Rad1 As Variant
Dim a As Variant, c As Variant, d As Variant, Rad2 As Variant

R = 6371
dlon = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Radians(Lon2 - Lon1)
dlat = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Radians(Lat2 - Lat1)
Rad1 = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Radians(Lat1)
Rad2 = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Radians(Lat2)
a = Sin(dlat / 2) * Sin(dlat / 2) + Cos(Rad1) * Cos(Rad2) * Sin(dlon / 2) * Sin(dlon / 2)
c = 2 * Excel.WorksheetFunction.Atan2(Sqr(a), Sqr(1 - a))
d = R * c
Haversine = d
End Function

But when im testing it I am getting wrong distance... I dont understand why. For coordinates used in this topic : Function to calculate distance between two coordinates shows wrong I am getting 20013,44 as output. Anyone knows what is wrong here? Cant find my mistake...


Atan2 is defined back to front in Excel compared to JavaScript i.e. Atan2(x,y) rather than Atan2(y,x).

You need to reverse the order of the two arguments:-

c = 2 * Excel.WorksheetFunction.Atan2(Sqr(1 - a), Sqr(a))

See this




1.65 km

which is the correct distance as the crow flies.


Great tool! Just underscoring that the result will be in kilometers, so if you want miles multiply the result by 0.62137.

