I am new to Grails. Can I use "hasOne" or "hasMany" without using "belongsTo" to another domain-class?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can. See examples in Grails doc: http://grails.org/doc/2.3.8/guide/GORM.html#manyToOneAndOneToOne
hasMany (without belongsTo) example from the doc:
A one-to-many relationship is when one class, example Author, has many instances of another class, example Book. With Grails you define such a relationship with the hasMany setting:
class Author {
static hasMany = [books: Book]
String name
class Book {
String title
In this case we have a unidirectional one-to-many. Grails will, by default, map this kind of relationship with a join table.
hasOne (without belongsTo) example from the doc:
Example C
class Face {
static hasOne = [nose:Nose]
class Nose {
Face face
Note that using this property puts the foreign key on the inverse table to the previous example, so in this case the foreign key column is stored in the nose table inside a column called face_id. Also, hasOne only works with bidirectional relationships.
Finally, it's a good idea to add a unique constraint on one side of the one-to-one relationship:
class Face {
static hasOne = [nose:Nose]
static constraints = {
nose unique: true
class Nose {
Face face
Yes you can, but it behave differently
class Author {
static hasMany = [books: Book]
String name
class Book {
String title
In this case if you delete Author the books still existing and are independent.
class Author {
static hasMany = [books: Book]
String name
class Book {
String title
static belongsTo = [author: Author]
In this other case if you delete the Author it will delete all the books pf that author in cascade.
Many-to-one/one-to-one: saves and deletes cascade from the owner to the dependant (the class with the belongsTo).
One-to-many: saves always cascade from the one side to the many side, but if the many side has belongsTo, then deletes also cascade in that direction.
Many-to-many: only saves cascade from the "owner" to the "dependant", not deletes.
yes very easy like a class defintion but only specify hasMany but no need for hasOne
class Student {
String name
User userProfile
static hasMany =[files:File]
class User {
String uname
Student student
class File {
String path
Student student // specify the belongs to like this no belong to