how to connect to WebSphere 7 admin console, or how to view error logs if it's not starting?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-02 02:34:07


I have IBM RAD / WebSphere 7 installed locally. My web application I'm developing runs fine.

I'm trying to log into the WAS admin console.

In the "Servers" view, I right-click the server > Administration > Run Administration Console ... but I get a "webpage cannot be found" error page.

In Firefox, I attempt to browse to the admin console URL, I tried each of the following but no luck:


Any ideas what the URL is?

Or, alternately, if the admin console is not starting due to some error, is there a log file somewhere where I can find the error?

Any help is greatly appreciated!



The third of those would normally be the correct one, but the port number depends on what happened during the profile creation process. Find the profile directory and then look in the properties directory for the portdefs.props file. That will tell you what the correct port number should be.

It is possible to create a profile without the admin console application, in which case it will obviously never work. You could also try running wsadmin from the profile bin directory to see whether you can connect to the admin service that way.

Any errors from the admin console application will be reported in the normal log files in the profiles/profilename/logs/servername directory.

