For some reason, I can't seem to store an array of my class into the settings. Here's the code:
var newLink = new Link();
Properties.Settings.Default.Links = new ArrayList();
In my Settings.Designer.cs I specified the field to be an array list:
public global::System.Collections.ArrayList Links {
get {
return ((global::System.Collections.ArrayList)(this["Links"]));
set {
this["Links"] = value;
For some reason, it won't save any of the data even though the Link class is serializable and I've tested it.
I found the source of the problem. Simply using a plain Array won't cut it. After thinking about it, the deserializer wouldn't know what type to deserialize the array items to. I failed to see that the array required strong typing. The designer lead me to foolishly believe it was a plain generic array:
public List<Link> Links
get {
return ((List<Link>)(this["Links"]));
set {
this["Links"] = value;
I had to make these changes in the Settings.Designer.cs and not from the designer.
Make sure that your Link class is either correctly XML-serializable or that it has a typeconverter to string (which is preferred when using application.settings files).
I'd assume that something in your types will not transform into the XML-serialization format. And your user.config shows that it doesn't have any string typeconverter available.