How to add more attributes to Openfire MySQL database?

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-01-01 15:03:27


I setup a Openfire server with external MySQL database using the openfire_mysql.sql file from the openfire installation directory to populate the database, the connection and everything basic seems to be ok.

However I need to add another attribute of a User instead of just "name", "email", I need to add "phone" and a long text field for users to save some notes.

Actually using the Smack API there are already enough attributes that can be stored in a User's data based on the API doc:

However when doing createAccount with the parameter of Map attributes, the attribute is not persisted because I think the default database does not have fields to store this. So I used external database, yet still I can't see in the phpMyAdmin which fields this attribute get stored?

Any ideas?


Yes. The solution to your problem would be saved in the vCard data from the user. Each user has a Vcard and it can be added all the data you need.

