With the jQuery File Upload Documentation I am able to save Data with the pictures in MySQL DB (see pic 1+2)
Now where I'm stuck is how to retrieve the Data back. After the Upload I would like to show the pics with the Data from DB but there is nothing I can find how to do that.
If anyone knows how to edit the json appending the DB data OR just how I can var_dump it just to push me in the right direction that would be awesome! I can not find where the json gets created. The json now looks like this:
"name" : "02 (1).jpg",
"size" : 12508,
"type" : "image\/jpeg",
"url" : "http:\/\/localhost:8888\/server\/php\/files\/02%20%281%29.jpg",
"thumbnailUrl" : "http:\/\/localhost:8888\/server\/php\/files\/thumbnail\/02%20%281%29.jpg",
"deleteUrl" : "http:\/\/localhost:8888\/server\/php\/?file=02%20%281%29.jpg",
"deleteType" : "DELETE"
and I would like to make it like:
"name" : "02 (1).jpg",
"size" : 12508,
"type" : "image\/jpeg",
"url" : "http:\/\/localhost:8888\/server\/php\/files\/02%20%281%29.jpg",
"thumbnailUrl" : "http:\/\/localhost:8888\/server\/php\/files\/thumbnail\/02%20%281%29.jpg",
"deleteUrl" : "http:\/\/localhost:8888\/server\/php\/?file=02%20%281%29.jpg",
"deleteType" : "DELETE",
"titleDB" : "Title1",
"textDB" : "Lorem ipsum dolor...."
I tried (like rAjA explained) and changed the following
$upload_handler = new UploadHandler();
$response_enc = $this->upload_handler->initialize();
But than I get an error saying "JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data" and I googeld for that and I found information but there is nothing which helped me.
Can anyone help me on this one or knows where I can find the Information? Thank you!
This will give you the basic idea of editing the json response from uploadhandler library,
In your uploadhandler.php library and change this line so that it will return the response,
public function post($print_response = true)
to public function post($print_response = false)
public function get($print_response = true)
to public function get($print_response = false)
protected function initialize()
to public function initialize()
EDITED: change this too function __construct($options = null, $initialize = false, $error_messages = null)
and in
function initialize()
case 'POST':
return $this->post(); //Change this line like here
case 'GET':
return $this->get(); //Change this line like here
Then in the function where you calling the library get the response back,
$upload_handler = new UploadHandler();
$response = $upload_handler>initialize();
print_r($response); //Dump the response here and check
$custom_arr = //Save all your custom variables here (DB insert id, Text etc)
//Sample format of custom_arr
//$custom_arr['insert_id'] = $mysql_primary_key_id;
//$custom_arr['txt'] = $user_custom_text_field;
$response['custom_data'] = $custom_arr;
echo json_encode($response);
In your front end you can use the fileuploaddone
callback to get the data and play with it.