Mongodb calculation query--cummulative multiplication

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-01 10:00:31


I recently started working in Mongodb for POC. I have one json collection below

    "sales":"NULL"    ##sales=100.00*(1+(2.0/100)) -- 100.00 comes from(ccp_id:1 and period=601) 
    "sales":"NULL"   ##sales=100.00*(1+(2.0/100))**(1+(3.0/100))-- 100.00 comes from(ccp_id:1 and period=601) 2.0 comes from (ccp_id:2 and period=602)  
    "sales":"NULL"   ##sales=200.00*(1+(2.0/100))
    "sales":"NULL"   ##same like above

And i need to calculate sales field which has NULL by using above documents with matching conditions of ccp_id should same and period field should be equal to 601. I have added a line to demonstrate calculation of sales field in collection itself above. I tried with $graphlookup but no luck. Can you people kindly help or suggest some way?


You can use below aggregation:

  { $sort: { ccp_id: 1, period: 1 } },
    $group: {
      _id: "$ccp_id",
      items: { $push: "$$ROOT" },
      baseSale: { $first: "$sales" },
      growths: { $push: "$growth" }
    $unwind: {
      path: "$items",
      includeArrayIndex: "index"
    $project: {
      cpp_id: "$items.cpp_id",
      period: "$items.period",
      growth: "$items.growth",
      sales: {
        $cond: {
          if: { $ne: [ "$items.sales", "NULL" ] },
          then: "$items.sales",
          else: {
            $reduce: {
              input: { $slice: [ "$growths", "$index" ] },
              initialValue: "$baseSale",
              in: { $multiply: [ "$$value", { $add: [1, { $divide: [ "$$this", 100 ] }] } ] }

Basically to calculate the value for n-th element you have to know following things:

  • sales value of first element ($first in $group)
  • the array of all growths ($push in $group)
  • the n which indicates how many multiplications you have to perform

To calculate the index you should $push all elements into one array and then use $unwind with includeArrayIndex option which will insert the index of unwinded array to field index.

Last step calculates the cumulative multiplication. It uses $slice with index field to evaluate how many growths should be processed. So there will be one element for 601, two elements for 602 and so on.

Then it's time for $reduce to process that array and perform the multiplications based on your formula: (1 + (growth/100))

