I recently started setting some thread names within my application by using pthread_setname_np(). After doing this, if a crash occurs within one of the named threads, the core dump filename is getting the thread name instead of executable name with core_pattern %e.%p.core
According to the core man page, the %e flag in the core_pattern is supposed to get expanded to the executable name. It doesn't say anything about the thread name.
I want the executable name and not the thread name, because I have other automated scripts (not maintained by me) that depend on the core filenames beginning with the application name.
Is this a bug in pthread_setname_np() or core_pattern?
I am running on Linux CentOS 6.7.
The executable name that generated the core can be retrieved by using gdb. The following prints it:
gdb -batch -ex "core corefile" | grep "Core was generated" | cut -d\` -f2 | cut -d"'" -f1 | awk '{print $1}'
Or better yet use the pid %p and /proc to get it. Example:
$ sleep 900 &
[1] 2615
$ readlink /proc/$(pidof sleep)/exe
$ basename $(readlink /proc/$(pidof sleep)/exe)
So I wound up working around the issue by piping the core dump to a Python script which then renames the core filename based on a hard-coded mapping of thread name regex patterns to executable name.
Here's how to pipe the core to a script:
/sbin/sysctl -q -w "kernel.core_pattern=|/opt/mydirectory/bin/core_helper.py --corefile /opt/mydirectory/coredumps/%e.%p.core"
/sbin/sysctl -q -w "kernel.core_pipe_limit=8"
Here's a snippet of a class in core_helper.py. As a bonus, if you give the core filename a .gz extension, it will compress the coredump with gzip.
class CoredumpHelperConfig:
def __init__(self, corefile):
self.corefile = corefile
# Work-around: Linux is putting the thread name into the
# core filename instead of the executable. Revert the thread name to
# executable name by using this mapping.
# The order is important -- the first match will be used.
threadNameToExecutableMapping = [# pattern , replace
(r'fooThread.*', r'foo'),
(r'barThread.*', r'foo'),
def processCore(self):
(dirname, basename) = os.path.split(self.corefile)
# E.g. fooThread0.21495.core (no compression) or fooThread0.21495.core.gz (compression requested)
match = re.match(r'^(\w+)\.(\d+)\.(core(\.gz)?)$', basename)
assert match
(threadName, pid, ext, compression) = match.groups()
# Work-around for thread name problem
execName = threadName
for (pattern, replace) in CoredumpHelperConfig.threadNameToExecutableMapping:
match = re.match(pattern, threadName)
if match:
execName = re.sub(pattern, replace, threadName)
self.corefile = os.path.join(dirname, '.'.join([execName, pid, ext]))
# Pipe the contents of the core into corefile, optionally compressing it
core = open(self.corefile, 'w')
coreProcessApp = "tee"
coreProcessApp = "gzip"
p = subprocess.Popen(coreProcessApp, shell=True, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=core, stderr=core)
return True
I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader on how to write the rest of the file.
I have the same problem. And I have worked around with the same way. I get executable filename use /proc/pid/exe
src_file_path = os.readlink("/proc/%s/exe" %pid)
exec_filename = os.path.basename(src_file_path)