I want to create a CSS class to fill a path with image that can be applied on any SVG path and fill that path with image. The image must be stretch to fit that path.
To achieve this; I create a pattern with image tag and set the width and height as 100%. but the image takes 100% of the whole screen instead of objectBoundingBox of the container (in this case svg tag).
Below is the sample code:
.myClass {
fill: url(#image);
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 5;
<svg id='pattern' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
<pattern id='image' x=0 y=0 width="100%" height="100%" patternUnits='objectBoundingBox'>
<image xlink:href='myImage.png' x=0 y=0 width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="none"></image>
<svg id='triangle' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width='300px' height='300px'>
<path d='M0 0 L300 0 L300 300 Z' class='myClass'></path>
May be I am doing something wrong.
Please suggest any solution for this problem.
Here's your thing working - http://jsfiddle.net/eAfTc/
.myClass {
fill: url(#image);
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 5;
<svg id='pattern' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
<pattern id='image' width="1" height="1" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<image xlink:href='http://dummyimage.com/600x400/abc/333' width="100" height="100" preserveAspectRatio="none"></image>
<svg id='triangle' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width='300px' height='300px'>
<path d='M0 0 L300 0 L300 300 Z' class='myClass'></path>
Note that there's a patternContentUnits and a patternUnits, they do different things. Personally I prefer to use a viewBox for defining the coordinate system.
Here's a new example showing the pattern applied to various elements of different sizes and aspect ratios, it also gets rid of the first svg fragment.
Update: I added 'preserveAspectRatio' to the <pattern> element, and a new example showing the stretching and scaling.