Is it possible to validate list using marshmallow?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-01 08:25:08


Is it possible to validate list using marshmallow?

class SimpleListInput(Schema):
    items = fields.List(fields.String(), required=True)

# expected invalid type error
data, errors = SimpleListInput().load({'some': 'value'})

# should be ok 
data, errors = SimpleListInput().load(['some', 'value'])

Or it is expected to validate only objects?


To validate top-level lists, you need to instantiate your list item schema with many=True argument.


class UserSchema(marshmallow.Schema):
    name = marshmallow.fields.String()

data, errors = UserSchema(many=True).load([
    {'name': 'John Doe'},
    {'name': 'Jane Doe'}

But it still needs to be an object schema, Marshmallow does not support using top-level non-object lists. In case you need to validate top-level list of non-object types, a workaround would be to define a schema with one List field of your types and just wrap payload as if it was an object:

class SimpleListInput(marshmallow.Schema):
    items = marshmallow.fields.List(marshmallow.fields.String(), required=True)

payload = ['foo', 'bar']
data, errors = SimpleListInput().load({'items': payload})


SimpleListInput is a class with a property "items". The property "items" is who accepts a list of strings.

>>> data, errors = SimpleListInput().load({'items':['some', 'value']})
>>> print data, errors
{'items': [u'some', u'value']} 
>>> data, errors = SimpleListInput().load({'items':[]})
>>> print data, errors
{'items': []} 
>>> data, errors = SimpleListInput().load({})
>>> print data, errors
{'items': [u'Missing data for required field.']}

If you want a custom validate, for example, not accept an empty list in "items":

from marshmallow import fields, Schema, validates, ValidationError

class SimpleListInput(Schema):
    items = fields.List(fields.String(), required=True)

    def validate_length(self, value):
        if len(value) < 1:
            raise ValidationError('Quantity must be greater than 0.') 


>>> data, errors = SimpleListInput().load({'items':[]})
>>> print data, errors
{'items': []} 
{'items': ['Quantity must be greater than 0.']}

Take a look at Validation


As the Turn comment below. You can do this:

from marshmallow import fields, Schema, validate

class SimpleListInput(Schema):        
    items = fields.List(fields.String(), required=True, validates=validate.Length(min=1))


Please take a look at a little library written by me which tries to solve exactly this problem:


pip install marshmallow-toplevel

Usage (on the example from Maxim Kulkin):

import marshmallow
from marshmallow_toplevel import TopLevelSchema

class SimpleListInput(TopLevelSchema):
    _toplevel = marshmallow.fields.List(
        validate=marshmallow.validate.Length(1, 10)

# raises ValidationError, because:
# Length must be between 1 and 10.

# raises ValidationError, because:
# Length must be between 1 and 10.
SimpleListInput().load(["qwe" for _ in range(11)])

# successfully loads data
payload = ["foo", "bar"]
data = SimpleListInput().load(payload)
assert data == ["foo", "bar"]

Of course it can be used with more complex schemas than just string in example.

