Images not displaying in Github Pages?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-01-01 08:03:49


I added a project site to my Github project. But some photos are not displaying in the site.

Img code:

<img src="img/screenshot2.PNG" class="img-responsive" alt=""> </div>

folder structure (img is a folder):


I tried with .png and .PNG (some earlier SO answers suggested it) and none of them work

Any solutions?


Nevermind, I solved it.

If anyone has the same problem.

GitHub Pages are case sensitive. Not only for folders, but also for image names.


Write what you see.

It is Screenshot2.png. With a lower-case png and a capital S at the start.


As @dnivog mentioned, GitHub's servers take a little time to update files.

If nothing of the above addresses your situation, just check back in a little while. ⏳


While hosting a website on Github,I faced the same issue.The image file was saved as an .jpg extension on my local(in small letters) and It was working fine. I pushed the same to github. That did not work.

I had to change the extension to .JPG (in caps)since it was the original extension of the image.Github Pages are case sensitive to the name of the files being uploaded.


You can try by putting the "image link address" from the github repository, in the 'src' attribute of the 'img' tag of the HTML code of your file.


I had a folder on my laptop named "assets", but when I pushed to Github it became "Assets". I had to change it in my HTML so I could view the images on the Github page

The repo on my laptop:

The repo on GitHub:


I had this problem today. I solved it by:

  • Double-check the Case Sensitive of the images (i.e. Screenshot.png isn't the same as Screenshot.PNG or even screenshot.png)
  • Double-check the PATH of the image. For me; It was ../img/myImg.jpg, and I changed it to ./img/myImg.jpg to point to the current directory of the project

After fixing the 2 mentioned issue above, it worked fine... Hope it help you get unstuck!

