I'm trying to make a custom Woocommerce order overview column which displays the WordPress user.
This is the code which resides in the functions.php
add_filter( 'manage_edit-shop_order_columns', 'k2i_extra_column_eldest_players', 20 );
function k2i_extra_column_eldest_players($columns)
$reordered_columns = array();
// Inserting columns to a specific location
foreach( $columns as $key => $column){
$reordered_columns[$key] = $column;
if( $key == 'order_status' ){
// Inserting after "Status" column
$reordered_columns['skb-client'] = __( 'Oudste Speler','theme_domain');
return $reordered_columns;
// Adding custom fields meta data for the column
add_action( 'manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column' , 'custom_orders_list_column_content', 20, 2 );
function custom_orders_list_column_content( $column, $post_id )
switch ( $column )
case 'skb-client' :
// Get custom post meta data
$my_var_one = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'user_name', true );
echo $my_var_one;
// Testing (to be removed) - Empty value case
echo '<small>(<em>no value</em>)</small>';
I think my mistake is in this line of code:
$my_var_one = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'user_name', true );
The meta key 'user_name'
probably isn't the right one... But I can't seem to find the right one.
Any help on this will be appreciated.
Updated: The right meta_key
to get the user ID in woocommerce orders is _customer_user
, so:
$user_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_customer_user', true );
Or you can use $the_order
global object as:
global $the_order;
$user_id = $the_order->get_customer_id();
After you can get the WordPress userdata from this user ID:
$user_data = get_userdata( $userid );
echo 'Username: ' . $user_data->user_login . "<br>";
echo 'User email: ' . $user_data->user_email . "<br>";
echo 'User roles: ' . implode(', ', $user_data->roles) . "<br>";
echo 'User ID: ' . $user_data->ID . "<br>";
echo 'User full name: ' . $user_data->last_name . ", " . $user_data->first_name . "<br>";
So in your code:
// Adding a custom new column to admin orders list
add_filter( 'manage_edit-shop_order_columns', 'custom_column_eldest_players', 20 );
function custom_column_eldest_players($columns)
$reordered_columns = array();
// Inserting columns to a specific location
foreach( $columns as $key => $column){
$reordered_columns[$key] = $column;
if( $key == 'order_status' ){
// Inserting after "Status" column
$reordered_columns['skb-client'] = __( 'Oudste Speler','theme_domain');
return $reordered_columns;
// Adding custom fields meta data for the column
add_action( 'manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column' , 'custom_orders_list_column_content', 20, 2 );
function custom_orders_list_column_content( $column, $post_id )
if ( 'skb-client' != $column ) return;
global $the_order;
// Get the customer id
$user_id = $the_order->get_customer_id();
if( ! empty($user_id) && $user_id != 0) {
$user_data = get_userdata( $user_id );
echo $user_data->user_login; // The WordPress user name
// Testing (to be removed) - Empty value case
echo '<small>(<em>Guest</em>)</small>';
Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works