reading twitter's rss search feed with simple xml

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-01 07:23:43


Having some trouble selecting some nodes in the rss feed for twitter's search

the rss url is here

each item looks like this

  <title>RT @TwittBoy: TwitFile - Comparte tus archivos en Twitter (hasta 200Mb)</title>
  <description>RT &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;@TwittBoy&lt;/a&gt;: &lt;b&gt;TwitFile&lt;/b&gt; - Comparte tus archivos en Twitter (hasta 200Mb) &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;</description>
  <pubDate>Mon, 23 Nov 2009 22:45:39 +0000</pubDate>
  <author> (M.Celita Lijer&#243;n)</author>
  <media:content type="image/jpg" width="48" height="48" url=""/>

My php is below

  foreach ($twitter_xml->channel->item as $key) {
$screenname = $key->{"author"};
$date = $key->{"pubDate"};
$profimg = $key->{"google:image_link"};
$link = $key->{"link"};
$title = $key->{"title"};
                        <a href=$link><img width=48 height=48 src=\"$profimg\"></a>
                        <h5><a href=$link>$author</a></h5>
                        <p class=info><a href=$link>$title</a></p>

Problem is nothing is being echoed, i mean from the rss feed, if there are 20 results, its looping 20 times, just no data


  1. In the code, $screenname is assigned a value but you are echoing $author.
  2. To get elements within namespaces like google:image_link ,you will have to do this:

$g = $key->children(""); $profimg = $g->{"image_link"};

If you are wondering where did I get "" from, the namespace is mentioned in the second line of the rss feed.

$twitter_xml = simplexml_load_file($url); 

foreach ($twitter_xml->channel->item as $key) {
    $author = $key->{"author"};
    $date = $key->{"pubDate"};
    $link = $key->{"link"};
    $title = $key->{"title"};
    $g = $key->children(""); 
    $profimg = $g->{"image_link"};
                            <a href=$link><img width=48 height=48 src=\"$profimg\"></a>
                            <h5><a href=$link>$author</a></h5>
                            <p class=info><a href=$link>$title</a></p>
    $xml = $twitter_xml;

This code works.


Set error_reporting(E_ALL); and you'll see that $author isn't defined.

You can't access <google:image_link/> this way, you'll have to use XPath or children()

$key->children("google", true)->image_link;

If you use SimpleDOM, there's a shortcut that returns the first element of an XPath result:



if (!$xml = simplexml_load_file(''.urlencode      ($terms)))
       throw new RuntimeException('Unable to load or parse search results feed');
    if (!count($entries = $xml->entry))
        throw new RuntimeException('No entry found');
       $title[$i] = $entries[$i]->title;
        //etc.. continue description,,,,,



I made this and it works :)) $sea_name is the keyword your looking for...

function twitter_feed( $sea_name ){
    $endpoint = ''.urlencode($sea_name);  // URL to call
    $resp = simplexml_load_file($endpoint);

    // Check to see if the response was loaded, else print an error
     if ($resp) {
        $results = '';
        // If the response was loaded, parse it and build links  
        foreach($resp->channel->item as $item) {
            preg_match("/\((.*?)\)/", $item->author, $blah);
            $content = $item->children("" );
                        $imageUrl = getXmlAttribute( $content, "url" );
            echo '
            <div class="twitter-item">
                <img src="'.$imageUrl.'" />
                <span class="twit">'.$blah[1].'</span><br />
                <span class="twit-content">'.$item->title.'</span>
                <br style="clear:both; line-height:0;margin:0;padding:0;">
    // If there was no response, print an error
    else {
        $results = "Oops! Must not have gotten the response!";
    echo $results;

function getXmlAttribute( SimpleXMLElement $xmlElement, $attribute ) {
    foreach( $xmlElement->attributes() as $name => $value ) {
        if( $name == $attribute ) {
        return (string)$value;

The object will contain somthing like:

<!-- SimpleXMLElement Object
    [title] => Before I go to bed, I just want to say I've just seen Peter Kay's CIN cartoon video for the 1st time... one word... WOW.
    [link] =>
    [description] => Before I go to bed, I just want to say I&apos;ve just seen <b>Peter</b> <b>Kay</b>&apos;s CIN cartoon video for the 1st time... one word... WOW.
    [pubDate] => Tue, 24 Nov 2009 01:00:00 +0000
    [guid] =>
    [author] => (Alex Segal)

You can use any of it inside the foreach look and echo them such as $item->author, $item->link, etc....any other attributes you can use the getattribute function...

