debugInfoEnabled for Angular 1.2

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-01 04:27:06


Angular 1.3 introduced a new debugInfoEnabled() method that can provide a boost in performance if called with false in the application config function:

myApp.config(['$compileProvider', function ($compileProvider) {

Also, Angular 1.3 dropped IE8 support. And this is a problem for me, my application have to run on IE8. Hence, I cannot upgrade to angular 1.3 and have to live with 1.2.

Is there a way to achieve the same functionality with angular 1.2?

In particular, at least a part of what debugInfoEnabled() does:

  • prevent creation of ng-scope/ng-isolated-scope CSS classes while creating new scopes
  • do not attach binding data and ng-class CSS class to elements with ngBind, ngBindHtml or {{...}} interpolations

As one possible option, I can fork the angularjs repository and backport the feature back to 1.2. Then, use the fork maintaining updates from the upstream.

Would appreciate any pointers.


Use the underlying DOM setAttribute method to prevent the default behavior. I've edited the plunker in the other answer:

to do the following:

  • Clone the DOM setAttribute prototype method
  • Override it with a check for ng debug attributes
  • Return false for ng debug attributes
  • Return as normal otherwise

Use it as follows:

/* Clone the original */
HTMLElement.prototype.ngSetAttribute = HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute;

/* Override the API */
HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute = function(foo, bar) {
/* Define ng attributes */ 
var nglist = {"ng-binding": true, "ng-scope":true,"ng-class":true,"ng-isolated-scope":true};


/* Block ng attributes; otherwise call the clone */
if (nglist[foo]) 
  return false; 
else if (JSON.stringify(nglist).match(foo) )
  return false;
  return this.ngSetAttribute(foo, bar);

Replace HTMLElement with Element for IE8.


  • CSS classes used by angular

  • Prototypes, Constructor Functions, and Taxidermy

  • AngularJS IE8 Shim

  • AngularJS IE8 Builds

  • Document Object Model Prototypes

  • Document Object Model Prototypes, Part 2: Accessor (getter/setter) Support

  • What's New in Internet Explorer 9


You can try disable it by mentioning $logProvider.debugEnabled(true); inside your angular configuration. In order to get effect of debugEnabled setting, You need ensure that while doing log use $log provider.

Sample Code

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);


app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $log ) {
  $ = 'Hello World!';
  $scope.testModel = {name: "test"};
  //console.log('This will show log even if debugging is disable');
  $log.debug('TEST Log');

Here is Fiddle

Hopefully this will help you.

