Does SMLNJ have any sort of debugger?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-01-01 04:05:13


I have looked through the SMLNJ User Guide and can't find anything about debugging capabilities. I'd love to just see a stack trace, or step through a function. Is this possible. Are there other implementations for similar variants of SML that do provide this feature?


From section 3.3 of the SMLNJ faq:

Q: Is there a debugger for SML/NJ? What ever happened to Tolmach's debugger for SML/NJ 0.93?

A: The short answer is no.


Debugging SML 

    * For years, no one had an SML debugger

    * Why?
          o No one had any bugs?
          o It is hard to write a debugger for SML
          o The user community wasn’t large enough

    * Likely all three are true

There's a .NET compiler, though, which claims to have some debugging support..


There's currently no step-based debugger.

You can get stack backtraces by doing the following:

- CM.make "$smlnj-tdp/";
[library $smlnj-tdp/ is stable]
[library $smlnj-tdp/ is stable]
[library $SMLNJ-LIB/Util/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/compiler/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/compiler/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/viscomp/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/viscomp/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/viscomp/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/viscomp/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/viscomp/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/MLRISC/ is stable]
[library $SMLNJ-MLRISC/ is stable]
[library $$SMLNJ-MLRISC)/ is stable]
[library $$SMLNJ-MLRISC)/ is stable]
[library $$SMLNJ-MLRISC)/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/MLRISC/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/viscomp/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/viscomp/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/internal/ is stable]
[library $smlnj/viscomp/ is stable]
[New bindings added.]
val it = true : bool
- SMLofNJ.Internals.TDP.mode := true;
[autoloading done]
val it = () : unit

Then, you can load some code and instead of just printing the exception, you'll get a simulated stack backtrace. You do have to recompile your code after following the above steps, or this won't work!

- exception Foo;
exception Foo
- fun otherFun() = raise Foo;
val otherFun = fn : unit -> 'a
- fun raiseAtZero(n) = if (n > 0) then raiseAtZero(n-1) else otherFun();
val raiseAtZero = fn : int -> 'a
- raiseAtZero 10;
stdIn:9.1-9.15 Warning: type vars not generalized because of
   value restriction are instantiated to dummy types (X1,X2,...)

*** BACK-TRACE ***
GOTO   stdIn:7.5-7.27: otherFun[2]
          (from: stdIn:8.60-8.70: raiseAtZero[2])
CALL-( stdIn:8.5-8.70: raiseAtZero[2]
          (from: stdIn:9.1-9.15: it)
GOTO   stdIn:5.5-5.27: otherFun[2]
          (from: stdIn:6.60-6.70: raiseAtZero[2])
CALL-( stdIn:6.5-6.70: raiseAtZero[2]
          (from: stdIn:6.71-6.86: it)

uncaught exception Foo
  raised at: stdIn:7.24-7.27


There is now a source level debugger in PolyML:


Poly/ML is the best unknown implementation of Standard ML. It had a command-line debugger from early on (at least the 1990s). Recently, it has acquired full IDE support via Isabelle/PIDE, e.g. see ML, which also includes a source-level debugger.

