How to run particular (out of build cycle) Junit5 tests using Gradle

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-31 06:53:09


I am moving tests to junit5 that are going to be run with Gradle. In a project I work with there are unit tests and some specific tests that must be run on demand (from particular Gradle tasks I suppose).

It is clear about unit tests. Gradle plugin adds a support for that. But I could not find a way to define another test task for my needs I searched in Junit5 plugin source and found out that there are no any particular class for that purpose. The Gradle plugin simply sets up a JavaExec task and then runs it.

Therefore it seem that there are no visible ways to define my own task of the built-in type like this

task myTask(type: Junit5TestRunner) Here we set up a task

Any ideas how it can be done ?


Define a new configuration, depend on junit-platform-console-standalone artifact and configure the console launcher to your needs. Like:

configurations {

dependencies {
    standalone 'org.junit.platform:junit-platform-console-standalone:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'

task downloadJUnitPlatformStandalone(type: Copy) {
    from configurations.standalone
    into "$buildDir/junit-platform-standalone"
    eachFile { println " (standalone) -> " + }

task runJUnitPlatformStandalone(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: downloadJUnitPlatformStandalone) {
    jvmArgs '-ea'
    jvmArgs '-Djava.util.logging.config.file=src/test/'
    classpath = fileTree(dir: "$buildDir/junit-platform-standalone", include: '*.jar') + project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
    main 'org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher'
    args += '--scan-class-path'
    args += '--disable-ansi-colors'
    args += '--details=tree'
    args += "--reports-dir=$project.testReportDir"

test.dependsOn runJUnitPlatformStandalone

Source junit-platform-standalone.gradle or alternate (Jupiter-only) dependencies jupiter.gradle.

Without own configuration and download:


it seems like I found a bit better decision for that task

task myTask(type: Junit5TestRunner) Here we set up a task

Sormuras' answer gave me certainly a right direction The solution is to move the most boilerplate code into separate task class and then use that task from script and therefore make it more reusable.

the class

 * Created by Vladimir Bogodkhov on 21/04/17.
 * @author Vladimir Bogodkhov
class SQJUnit5 extends JavaExec {

    enum Details {

         * No test plan execution details are printed.

         * Test plan execution details are rendered in a flat, line-by-line mode.

         * Test plan execution details are rendered as a simple tree.

         * Combines tree flat modes.

        Details(String id) {
   = Objects.requireNonNull(id);

        final String id


    List<String> includeTags
    List<String> excludeTags
    List<String> includeTests = ['^.*Tests?$']
    List<String> excludeTests
    File reportsdir
    Details details = Details.none;
    List<String> scanclasspath

    SQJUnit5() {
        jvmArgs '-ea'
        main 'org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher'
        args += '--disable-ansi-colors'
        args += '--details=tree'
        args += '--details-theme=unicode'

    void exec() {

    private void prepare() {
        if (includeTags) includeTags.each { args += ['--include-tag', it] }
        if (excludeTags) excludeTags.each { args += ['--exclude-tag', it] }
        if (includeTests) includeTests.each { args += ['--include-classname', it] }
        if (excludeTests) excludeTests.each { args += ['--exclude-classname', it] }
        if (reportsdir) {
            if (reportsdir.exists() && !reportsdir.isDirectory()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("reportsdir must be a directory. $reportsdir.absolutePath")
            args += ['--reports-dir', reportsdir.absolutePath]

        if (!scanclasspath) {
            args += ['--scan-class-path']
        } else {
            scanclasspath.each { args += ['--scan-class-path', it] }

Script snippet

task particularTests(type: SQJUnit5, dependsOn: build) {
    classpath = project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath + fileTree(dir: '../../libs/junit5', include: '*.jar')

    excludeTags = ['DebugRun']// optional param
    includeTests = ['^.*Check$', '^.*Probe$']// optional param
    details = SQJUnit5.Details.verbose // optional param
    reportsdir = file('build/testReportDir') // optional param

Now junit5 tests can be used as a usual Gradle task.

