I'm trying CMUSphinx but I'm having a hard time. I have included core
and data
jars to the project in Eclipse which I have downloaded from here
I tried to do Live speech recognition as mentioned in the tutorial but when I try to run it, the console is filled with some kind of errors like The dictionary is missing a phonetic transcription for the word '....'
and many.
import edu.cmu.sphinx.api.Configuration;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.api.LiveSpeechRecognizer;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.api.SpeechResult;
public class Hello {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
LiveSpeechRecognizer recognizer = new LiveSpeechRecognizer(configuration);
System.out.println("Start speaking...");
SpeechResult result = recognizer.getResult();
System.out.println("result: "+result.getHypothesis());
23:15:07.552 INFO unitManager CI Unit: *+NSN+
23:15:07.556 INFO unitManager CI Unit: *+SPN+
23:15:07.556 INFO unitManager CI Unit: AA
23:15:07.556 INFO unitManager CI Unit: AE
23:15:07.556 INFO unitManager CI Unit: AH
23:15:07.556 INFO unitManager CI Unit: AO
... /* Similar to above messages */
23:15:08.447 INFO autoCepstrum Cepstrum component auto-configured as follows: autoCepstrum {MelFrequencyFilterBank, Denoise, DiscreteCosineTransform2, Lifter}
2016-02-22 23:15:08.649 java[68475:2340128] 23:15:08.649 WARNING: 140: This application, or a library it uses, is using the deprecated Carbon Component Manager for hosting Audio Units. Support for this will be removed in a future release. Also, this makes the host incompatible with version 3 audio units. Please transition to the API's in AudioComponent.h.
Start speaking... /* My Output */
23:15:08.653 INFO dictionary Loading dictionary from: jar:file:/Users/sriharish/Java/sphinx4-data-5prealpha-20151218.160017-5.jar!/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/cmudict-en-us.dict
23:15:08.786 INFO dictionary Loading filler dictionary from: jar:file:/Users/sriharish/Java/sphinx4-data-5prealpha-20151218.160017-5.jar!/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/en-us/noisedict
23:15:08.786 INFO acousticModelLoader Loading tied-state acoustic model from: jar:file:/Users/sriharish/Java/sphinx4-data-5prealpha-20151218.160017-5.jar!/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/en-us
23:15:08.787 INFO acousticModelLoader Pool means Entries: 16128
23:15:08.787 INFO acousticModelLoader Pool variances Entries: 16128
23:15:08.787 INFO acousticModelLoader Pool transition_matrices Entries: 42
23:15:08.787 INFO acousticModelLoader Pool senones Entries: 5126
23:15:08.787 INFO acousticModelLoader Gaussian weights: mixture_weights. Entries: 15378
23:15:08.787 INFO acousticModelLoader Pool senones Entries: 5126
23:15:08.787 INFO acousticModelLoader Context Independent Unit Entries: 42
23:15:08.788 INFO acousticModelLoader HMM Manager: 137095 hmms
23:15:08.788 INFO acousticModel CompositeSenoneSequences: 0
23:15:08.789 INFO trieNgramModel Loading n-gram language model from: jar:file:/Users/sriharish/Java/sphinx4-data-5prealpha-20151218.160017-5.jar!/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/en-us.lm.bin
23:15:09.821 INFO dictionary The dictionary is missing a phonetic transcription for the word '3-d'
23:15:09.821 WARNING trieNgramModel The dictionary is missing a phonetic transcription for the word '3-d'
23:15:09.830 INFO dictionary The dictionary is missing a phonetic transcription for the word 'adjustors'
23:15:09.830 WARNING trieNgramModel The dictionary is missing a phonetic transcription for the word 'adjustors'
... /* Similar to above messages */
23:15:11.231 INFO lexTreeLinguist Max CI Units 43
23:15:11.232 INFO lexTreeLinguist Unit table size 79507
23:15:11.234 INFO speedTracker # ----------------------------- Timers----------------------------------------
23:15:11.235 INFO speedTracker # Name Count CurTime MinTime MaxTime AvgTime TotTime
23:15:11.237 INFO speedTracker Compile 1 1.1360s 1.1360s 1.1360s 1.1360s 1.1360s
23:15:11.238 INFO speedTracker Load Dictionary 1 0.1330s 0.1330s 0.1330s 0.1330s 0.1330s
23:15:11.238 INFO speedTracker Load AM 1 2.0880s 2.0880s 2.0880s 2.0880s 2.0880s
23:15:11.238 INFO speedTracker Load LM 1 1.3080s 1.3080s 1.3080s 1.3080s 1.3080s
23:15:16.674 INFO speedTracker This Time Audio: 0.37s Proc: 4.12s Speed: 11.14 X real time
23:15:16.676 INFO speedTracker Total Time Audio: 0.37s Proc: 4.12s 11.14 X real time
23:15:16.676 INFO memoryTracker Mem Total: 738.00 Mb Free: 378.28 Mb
23:15:16.676 INFO memoryTracker Used: This: 359.72 Mb Avg: 359.72 Mb Max: 359.72 Mb
23:15:16.676 INFO trieNgramModel LM Cache Size: 870 Hits: 153862 Misses: 870
result: none /* My Output */
I have downloaded recommended jars and included it in the project.So what is wrong with it? Did they failed to provide a dictionary? Can I add the missing phonetic transcription
? If yes, provide a link please. And finally how can I disable all the console warnings etc and only have output that I provide.
I have the same problem where the only classes I'm using are StreamSpeechRecognizer and Configuration. After looking through the sphinx source for ConfigurationManagerUtils I've managed to get the follow code in my own classes to disable all console logging from edu.cmu.sphinx packages. Place this code before instantiating the recognizer.
Logger cmRootLogger = Logger.getLogger("default.config");
String conFile = System.getProperty("java.util.logging.config.file");
if (conFile == null) {
System.setProperty("java.util.logging.config.file", "ignoreAllSphinx4LoggingOutput");
Hardly elegant but it works for me, unless someone has a cleaner approach for disabling logging at runtime through the sphinx configuration/context classes.
As with any third party packages I need to consume in my own project, I have a valid reason for doing this directly in code because 1/ I don't care to expose any third party logging and 2/ I don't wish to ship customised logging configuration files for third party code.