Angular-UI One day is subtracted from date in ui-date

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-28 18:38:51


The situation I want to use ui-date to set/edit a date in my app. I use the latest stable versions of angular, angular-ui, jquery-ui etc.

The problem As soon as a date is selected using the datepicker the date in my model will equal the selected date minus 1 day. It will also get send to my server and saved in my database this way.

The plunker Initially the date in the datepicker input and the date in my model are the same. After picking a date they differ.

The question What is going (wr)on(g) here???


ui-date expects your model to be an actual date object. In your case it's a string. If you take a look at the console you'll see that angularUI actually informs you about that. Then it advises you to add additional ui-date-format tag with the specified date format with which your date string will be parsed into date object.

Long story short, your need to adjust your input as this:

<input ui-date="{dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'}" ui-date-format="yy-mm-dd" ng-model="customer.contract_end_date"></input>

Working plunker.


this solves my problem. angularjs uses default timezone which considers hour time. seting timezone option of ng-model to UTC clear hour times......



The problem is that angular is using its default timezone when parsing the date selected on the datepicker. To resolve the issue you can use the ng-model-options directive which accepts a "timezone" parameter.

<input type="text" ng-model-options="{timezone:'UTC'}" ... >


I set date format as dd-mm-yyyy as my requirement. then set date-type as string.

<input type="text" class="form-control col-xs-9"
                        data-date-format="dd-MM-yyyy" data-autoclose="1"
                        date-type="string" bs-datepicker required>

