MongoServer.State equivalent in the 2.0 driver

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-28 06:52:05


In the old API (1.X) you could tell whether the server was connected or not by using the State property on the MongoServer instance returned from MongoClient.GetServer:

public bool IsConnceted
        return _client.GetServer().State == MongoServerState.Connected;

However GetServer is not a part of the new API (2.0). How can that be achieved?


The more appropriate way to do that is not by checking the server but rather the cluster (which may contain multiple servers) and you can access it directly from the MongoClient instance:

public bool IsClusterConnceted
        return _client.Cluster.Description.State == ClusterState.Connected;

If you would like to check a specific server that's also possible:

public bool IsServerConnceted
        return _client.Cluster.Description.Servers.Single().State == ServerState.Connected;

Keep in mind that the value is updated by the last operation so it may not be current. The only way to actually make sure there's a valid connection is to execute some kind of operation.


As noted by i3arnon, one has to perform some sort of operation on the database before the state is updated properly.

The act of enumerating the databases is sufficient to update the state.

This worked for me:

var databases = _client.ListDatabasesAsync().Result;
databases.MoveNextAsync(); // Force MongoDB to connect to the database.

if (_client.Cluster.Description.State == ClusterState.Connected)
    // Database is connected.

