DX7游戏引擎(梦想之翼) for VB6

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-27 13:19:34

Option Explicit

'                        《梦想之翼》
'                                    ----作者:袁进峰
'                                        2004年9月13日

Public Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Public Type POINTAPI
    X As Long
    Y As Long
End Type
Public Declare Function ShowCursor Lib "user32" (ByVal bShow As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Dim FPS_Count As Long
Dim mTimer As Long
Dim AddFPS As Long
Public Type POS
    X As Integer
    Y As Integer
End Type

Dim ObjhWnd As Long
Dim BlthWnd As Long

Dim Dx As New DirectX7
Dim DDraw As DirectDraw7

Public KeJianMian As DirectDrawSurface7
Public HuanChong As DirectDrawSurface7

Dim Clipper As DirectDrawClipper

Dim Gamea As DirectDrawGammaControl

Public destRect As RECT
Public srcRect As RECT

Dim DI As DirectInput

Public KeyDevice As DirectInputDevice

Public dimouse As DirectInputDevice
Public MouseState As DIMOUSESTATE

Dim DSound As DirectSound

Dim objdmloader As DirectMusicLoader
Dim objdmperf As DirectMusicPerformance
Public objdmseg As DirectMusicSegment
Public objdmsegst As DirectMusicSegmentState

Dim g_MapW As Integer
Dim g_MapH As Integer

Dim StdFont As New StdFont
Dim Font As IFont

Public Type DSurface
    Image As DirectDrawSurface7
    W As Integer
    H As Integer
End Type

Public Sub InitEngine(FormhWnd As Long, _
Optional Width As Integer, Optional Height As Integer, _
Optional FullScreen As Boolean = False, _
Optional FWidth As Integer = 640, Optional FHeight As Integer = 480, _
Optional Color As Integer = 16)
    g_MapW = Width
    g_MapH = Height
    ObjhWnd = FormhWnd
    Set DDraw = Dx.DirectDrawCreate("")
    If FullScreen = True Then
        Call DDraw.SetCooperativeLevel(FormhWnd, DDSCL_FULLSCREEN Or DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE)
        Call DDraw.SetDisplayMode(FWidth, FHeight, Color, 0, DDSDM_DEFAULT)
        Call DDraw.SetCooperativeLevel(FormhWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL)
    End If
    Dim ddsd As DDSURFACEDESC2
    ddsd.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE
    Set KeJianMian = DDraw.CreateSurface(ddsd)
    ddsd.lWidth = Width
    ddsd.lHeight = Height
    Set HuanChong = DDraw.CreateSurface(ddsd)
    Set Font = StdFont
    Font.Name = "宋体"
    Call InitDI(FormhWnd)
    Call InitMid
    Call initGamma
End Sub

Sub initGamma()
    Dim mmap As DDGAMMARAMP
    Set Gamea = KeJianMian.GetDirectDrawGammaControl
    Call Gamea.GetGammaRamp(DDSGR_DEFAULT, mmap)
End Sub

Public Sub ClipperhWnd(hWnd As Long)
    BlthWnd = hWnd
    Set Clipper = DDraw.CreateClipper(0)
    Clipper.SetHWnd hWnd
    KeJianMian.SetClipper Clipper
    Call Dx.GetWindowRect(hWnd, destRect)
End Sub

Public Function LoadImage(FileName As String, Optional Color As Long = &HF81F) As DSurface
    On Error GoTo LoadImageErr
    Dim ddsd As DDSURFACEDESC2
    ddsd.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
    Set LoadImage.Image = DDraw.CreateSurfaceFromFile(FileName, ddsd)
    'Set image = DDraw.CreateSurfaceFromResource(, "PIC1", ddsd)
    LoadImage.W = ddsd.lWidth
    LoadImage.H = ddsd.lHeight
    Dim key As DDCOLORKEY
    key.low = Color
    key.high = Color
    Call LoadImage.Image.SetColorKey(DDCKEY_SRCBLT, key)
    Exit Function
    MsgBox "没有找到" + FileName + "图像文件。"
End Function

Public Sub BltImage(Image As DSurface, X1 As Integer, Y1 As Integer, _
Width As Integer, Height As Integer, Optional X2 As Integer, _
Optional Y2 As Integer)
    Dim ImageRECT As RECT              '输入输出时图像的大小
    Dim BX As Integer, BY As Integer   '输出图像的位置
    BX = X1
    BY = Y1
    ImageRECT.Left = X2
    ImageRECT.Top = Y2
    ImageRECT.Right = Width + X2
    ImageRECT.Bottom = Height + Y2
    If X1 < 0 Then
        BX = 0
        ImageRECT.Left = Abs(X1) + X2
        If ImageRECT.Left >= ImageRECT.Right Then Exit Sub
    End If
    If Y1 < 0 Then
        BY = 0
        ImageRECT.Top = Abs(Y1) + Y2
        If ImageRECT.Top >= ImageRECT.Bottom Then Exit Sub
    End If
    If Width + X1 > g_MapW Then
        ImageRECT.Right = X2 - X1 + g_MapW
    End If
    If Height + Y1 > g_MapH Then
        ImageRECT.Bottom = Y2 - Y1 + g_MapH
    End If
    If ImageRECT.Right <= 0 Or ImageRECT.Bottom <= 0 Then Exit Sub
    Call HuanChong.BltFast(BX, BY, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)  'DDBLTFAST_WAIT
End Sub

Public Sub BltImageAll(Image As DSurface, X1 As Integer, Y1 As Integer)
    Dim ImageRECT As RECT              '输入输出时图像的大小
    Dim BX As Integer, BY As Integer   '输出图像的位置
    BX = X1
    BY = Y1
    ImageRECT.Left = 0
    ImageRECT.Top = 0
    ImageRECT.Right = Image.W
    ImageRECT.Bottom = Image.H
    If X1 < 0 Then
        BX = 0
        ImageRECT.Left = Abs(X1)
        If ImageRECT.Left >= ImageRECT.Right Then Exit Sub
    End If
    If Y1 < 0 Then
        BY = 0
        ImageRECT.Top = Abs(Y1)
        If ImageRECT.Top >= ImageRECT.Bottom Then Exit Sub
    End If
    If Image.W + X1 > g_MapW Then
        ImageRECT.Right = g_MapW - X1
    End If
    If Image.H + Y1 > g_MapH Then
        ImageRECT.Bottom = g_MapH - Y1
    End If
    If ImageRECT.Right <= 0 Or ImageRECT.Bottom <= 0 Then Exit Sub
    Call HuanChong.BltFast(BX, BY, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)  'DDBLTFAST_WAIT
End Sub

Public Sub PrintText(Text As String, X As Integer, Y As Integer, _
Optional FontSize As Integer = 10, Optional Color As Long = 0)
    Font.Size = FontSize
    HuanChong.SetFont Font
    HuanChong.SetForeColor Color
    HuanChong.DrawText X, Y, Text, False
End Sub

Public Sub FadeIn()
    Dim NewGammamp As DDGAMMARAMP, i As Integer, j As Integer, K As Long
    For i = 256 To 0 Step -8
        For j = 0 To 255
            K = CLng(j) * CLng(i)
            If K > 32767 Then K = K - 65536
            NewGammamp.red(j) = K
            NewGammamp.green(j) = K
            NewGammamp.blue(j) = K
        Next j
        Call Gamea.SetGammaRamp(DDSGR_DEFAULT, NewGammamp)
    Next i
End Sub

Public Sub FadeOut()
    Dim NewGammamp As DDGAMMARAMP, i As Integer, j As Integer, K As Long
    For i = 0 To 256 Step 8
        For j = 0 To 255
            K = CLng(j) * CLng(i)
            If K > 32767 Then K = K - 65536
            NewGammamp.red(j) = K
            NewGammamp.green(j) = K
            NewGammamp.blue(j) = K
        Next j
        Call Gamea.SetGammaRamp(DDSGR_DEFAULT, NewGammamp)
    Next i
End Sub

Sub BltScreen()
    Call Dx.GetWindowRect(BlthWnd, destRect)
    Call KeJianMian.Blt(destRect, HuanChong, srcRect, DDBLT_WAIT)
End Sub

Public Sub InitDI(hWnd As Long)
    Set DI = Dx.DirectInputCreate() ' Create the DirectInput Device
    Set KeyDevice = DI.CreateDevice("GUID_SysKeyboard") ' Set it to use the keyboard.
    KeyDevice.SetCommonDataFormat DIFORMAT_KEYBOARD ' Set the data format to the keyboard format
    KeyDevice.SetCooperativeLevel hWnd, DISCL_BACKGROUND Or DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE ' Set Cooperative level
    Set dimouse = DI.CreateDevice("guid_sysmouse")
    dimouse.SetCommonDataFormat DIFORMAT_MOUSE
    dimouse.SetCooperativeLevel hWnd, DISCL_BACKGROUND Or DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE
End Sub

Public Sub InitWav(hWnd As Long)
    Set DSound = Dx.DirectSoundCreate("")
    DSound.SetCooperativeLevel hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY
End Sub

Public Function LoadWav(FileName As String) As DirectSoundBuffer
    Dim BufferDesc As DSBUFFERDESC
    Dim WaveFormat As WAVEFORMATEX
    Set CreSound = DSound.CreateSoundBufferFromFile(FileName, BufferDesc, WaveFormat)

End Function

Public Sub PlayWav(Sound As DirectSoundBuffer, nClose As Boolean, LoopSound As Boolean)
    If nClose Then
      Sound.SetCurrentPosition 0
    End If
    If LoopSound Then
      Sound.Play 1
      Sound.Play 0
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub InitMid()
    Set objdmloader = Dx.DirectMusicLoaderCreate
    Set objdmperf = Dx.DirectMusicPerformanceCreate
    objdmperf.Init Nothing, 0
    objdmperf.SetPort -1, 80
    objdmperf.SetMasterAutoDownload True
    objdmperf.SetMasterVolume 0
End Sub

Public Sub LoadMid(FileName As String)
    Set objdmseg = Nothing
    Set objdmseg = objdmloader.LoadSegment(FileName)
End Sub
Public Sub PlayMid(Optional Play As Boolean = True, Optional Start As Long)
    If Play = True Then
        If objdmperf.IsPlaying(objdmseg, objdmsegst) = True Then
            Call objdmperf.Stop(objdmseg, objdmsegst, 0, 0)
        End If
        objdmseg.SetStartPoint (Start)
        Set objdmsegst = objdmperf.PlaySegment(objdmseg, 0, 0)
        Call objdmperf.Stop(objdmseg, objdmsegst, 0, 0)
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub ScrollMid(Optional Value As Integer)
    Call objdmperf.SetMasterVolume(Value)
End Sub

Public Sub ControlFPS(Time As Integer)
    Do While GetTickCount - FPS_Count < Time
    FPS_Count = GetTickCount
End Sub

Public Sub GetFPS(FPS As Integer)
    If GetTickCount() - mTimer >= 1000 Then
        mTimer = GetTickCount
        FPS = AddFPS + 1
        AddFPS = 0
        AddFPS = AddFPS + 1
    End If
End Sub
Public Sub ExitEngine()
    Call DDraw.RestoreDisplayMode
    Call DDraw.SetCooperativeLevel(ObjhWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL)
    Set HuanChong = Nothing
    Set KeJianMian = Nothing
    Set Dx = Nothing
    Set Gamea = Nothing
    Set objdmsegst = Nothing
    Set objdmseg = Nothing
    Set objdmperf = Nothing
    Set objdmloader = Nothing
    Set DI = Nothing
    Set KeyDevice = Nothing
    Set dimouse = Nothing
    Set DSound = Nothing
    Set StdFont = Nothing
    Set Font = Nothing
End Sub
