Need to find which program called the python script

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-25 18:49:07


I am using a build system(waf) which is a wrapper around python. There are some programs(perl scripts,exe's etc) calling the python build system. When I execute the build scripts from cmd.exe, I need to find out the program that called it. My OS is windows 7. I tried getting the parent PID in a python module and it returns "cmd" as PPID and "python.exe" as PID, so that approach did not help me in finding what I am looking for.

I believe I should be looking at some stacktraces on a OS level, but am not able to find how to do it. Please help me with the approach I should take or a possible code snippet. I just need to know the name of the script or program that called the system, example caller.perl, callload.exe

Thank you


Though I am not sure why it would be needed but this is a fun problem in itself, so here are few tips, once you have parent PID loop thru processes and get name e.g.

using WMI

import wmi
c = wmi.WMI ()

for process in c.Win32_Process ():
    if process.ProcessId == ppid:
      print process.ProcessId, process.Name

I think you can do same thing using win32 API, e.g.

processes = win32process.EnumProcesses()
for pid in processes:
    if pid == ppid:
       handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,
False, pid)
       exe = win32process.GetModuleFileNameEx(handle, 0)  

This will work for simple cases when progA directly executes progB but if there is a long chain of child process in between, it may not be good solution. Best way for a generic case would be for calling program to tell his identity by passing it as argument e.g.

progB --calledfrom progA


modify the python script to add an argument to it, stating which file called it. then log it into a logger file. all scripts calling it will have to identify themselves to the python script via the argument vector.

For example: calls as: /path/to/

def main(argv):


I was able to use process explorer to see the chain of processes called and was able to retrieve the name by just traversing the parent. Thanks for all who replied.

