The error
When I have a new record, I don't have a problem.
When I have an existing record I'm trying to update, an exception (see below) is thrown.
The following two variants of Rails code both throw the same exception when I have an existing row in my email_addresses table I wish to update:
ret = @email_address.update(email_address_id: @email_address.email_address_id)
I have also tried
ret = @email_address.save
and get the same exception.
The exception
When I have an existing record I wish to update, the error I'm getting is
#<ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "email_addresses_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (email_address_id)=(2651) already exists.
: INSERT INTO "email_addresses" ("email_address_id", "email_address", "zipcode", "confirm_token") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING "email_address_id">
Where I think the problem is
I think the problem may be related to my not having an id column.
email_address_id serves the same purpose as an id column.
Using psql's \d+ command I get
development=# \d+ email_addresses
Table "public.email_addresses"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
email_address_id | integer | not null default nextval('email_addresses_email_address_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | |
email_address | citext | not null | extended | |
unsubscribe_reason | text | not null default ''::text | extended | |
zipcode | text | | extended | | If non-NULL then check confirmed.
email_confirmed | boolean | default false | plain | |
confirm_token | character varying | | extended | |
"email_addresses_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (email_address_id)
"email_address_idx" UNIQUE, btree (email_address)
Referenced by:
TABLE "xref__email_addresses__realtor_organizations" CONSTRAINT "email_address_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (email_address_id) REFERENCES email_addresses(email_address_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
class EmailAddress < ApplicationRecord
validates_presence_of :email_address
validates_format_of :email_address, with: /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i, on: :create
validates_format_of :email_address, with: /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i, on: :save
validates_format_of :email_address, with: /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i, on: :update
def initialize(email_address_params)
# zipcodes can be nil/null in the database but we should never allow a human user to create such a record.
validates_presence_of :zipcode
validates_format_of :zipcode, with: /\A\d{5}(-\d{4})?\z/, message: "zipcode should be in the form 12345", on: :create
def email_activate
self.email_confirmed = true
self.confirm_token = nil
save!(:validate => false)
def confirmation_token
if self.confirm_token.blank?
self.confirm_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64.to_s
Generated sql code:
Rails generates:
INSERT INTO "email_addresses" ("email_address_id", "email_address", "zipcode", "confirm_token") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING "email_address_id" [["email_address_id", 2651], ["email_address", "ralphs@dos32.com"], ["zipcode", "80503"], ["confirm_token", "r-UX4zOdOmHC7lO7Ta2pBg"]]
This will, obviously, fail if email_address_id already exists in the email_addresses table because of the
"email_addresses_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (email_address_id)
implicit constraint on primary keys.
I can probably get this to work by writing SQL code directly in Rails but I'd like to keep with Rails code as well as understanding what I'm doing wrong.
I have searched the web for several hours without success. I've tried tracing through the rails code but it got so complicated with metaprogramming code that I got lost.
How does Rails know when to do an SQL UPDATE rather than an SQL INSERT?
How do I do I update an existing record given my existing email_addresses table?
Since you are using a non standard id, you need to tell rails the column to use as a primary_key, this way it can evaluate whether a save should insert or update.
To do so you need to add self.primary_key = 'email_address_id'
in your model.
Remember Rails favors convention over configuration, so anytime you break convention you need to tell Rails.
P.S.: it seems redundant having the pkey for email_addresses
named email_address_id
; usually the format of resource_id
is conventionally used for fkeys, while for pkeys you can just define the column name.