I have a list of maps (listOfMapsObject) like below
"Id" : "1234",
"Value" : "Text1"
"Id" : "1235",
"Value" : "Text2"
I would like access "Value" field for a given Id in dataweave script. For example: For Id = 1234, Text1 should be returned.
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%var listOfMapsObject = flowVars.listOfMaps
payload map {
"key" : $.key,
"data" : lookup Value field in listOfMapsObject by given key
Approch suggested by @'sulthony h' is fine but it will end up in performance issue if you large number of data in pyload and listOfMapsObject. As filter is used , for each record of payload script will loop for all the entries in flowVars.listOfMaps.
Following will work fine and map key value only once.
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%var dataLookup = {(flowVars.listOfMaps map {
($.Id): $.Value
payload map {
key : $.key,
data : dataLookup[$.key]
"key": "1234",
"data": "Text1"
"key": "1235",
"data": "Text2"
Where Payload -
"key" : "1234"
"key" : "1235"
And -
"Id" : "1234",
"Value" : "Text1"
"Id" : "1235",
"Value" : "Text2"
Hope this helps.
I create my own object with the slightly similar object and successfully access "value" field with the following DataWeave expression:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%var listOfMapsObject = flowVars.listOfMaps
payload map using(data = $) {
"key" : data.key,
"data" : (listOfMapsObject filter $.id == data.key).value reduce ($$ ++ $)
You can modify it with your own object, e.g.: replace the "id" with "Id". Test and evaluate the result by using filter
, flatten
, reduce
, etc.