PrimeNg Datatable style a cell

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-25 08:48:28


I'm using the PrimeNg Datatable as follows and I need to put a specific css class to each cell I'm able to pass the css class as [class]="cssClassName" coming from the model but the class is only applied when the control is focused. Is it there a way to apply the class without the need of focus the control?

Thanks in advance.

The example is like it appears on the documentation

<p-dataTable [value]="cars" [editable]="true" resizableColumns="true">
    <p-column *ngFor="let col of cols,  let c = index" [field]="col.Field" [header]="col.Text" [editable]="true" > 
    <ng-template let-col let-car="rowData" pTemplate="editor" let-r="rowIndex">
      <div [class]="cssClassName">
         <input [(ngModel)]="car[col.field]" appendTo="body" [class]="cssClassName">



You can apply styleClass on so that it will reflect on your cell.

<p-column [style]="{'text-align':'left'}" field="Field Name" header="Header" [sortable]="true" styleClass="test">


You can apply styleClass per row and per cell based on certain conditions

 <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-columns="columns">
    <tr [ngClass]="rowData.year > 2010 ? 'new-car' : null">
        <td *ngFor="let col of columns" [ngClass]="rowData[col.field] <= 2010 ? 'old-car' : null">

You can find more information at

