adding connection string during installation of

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-25 07:24:55


this is a follow up for my last question which is on: adding connection string during installation of project

this is the code that I have so far but the "Configuration" in the line:

Dim config As Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(exePath)

has a blue line and I can't run the program because of it. I converted the C# code to that one and the blue line appears. what I'm trying to do here is to get the a string that I can use for the connection string which will be used by the app.config.

Imports System.ComponentModel

Imports System.Configuration.Install

Public Class InstallerClass

Public Sub New()


End Sub

<RunInstaller(True)> _
Partial Public Class MyInstaller
    Inherits Installer

    Partial Public Class MyInstaller
        Inherits Installer

        Public Overrides Sub Install(ByVal stateSaver As System.Collections.IDictionary)


            Dim targetDirectory As String = Context.Parameters("targetdir")

            Dim param1 As String = Context.Parameters("Param1")

            Dim param2 As String = Context.Parameters("Param2")

            Dim param3 As String = Context.Parameters("Param3")

            Dim exePath As String = String.Format("{0}MyWindowsFormsApplication.exe", targetDirectory)

            Dim config As Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(exePath)

            config.AppSettings.Settings("Param1").Value = param1

            config.AppSettings.Settings("Param2").Value = param2

            config.AppSettings.Settings("Param3").Value = param3


        End Sub

    End Class

End Class

End Class


I don't know if this is it but some things I have noticed from the code you have posted:

  • ConfigurationManager comes from the System.Configuration namespace, as does the Configuration class but you don't seem to have Imports System.Configuration in your code (only Imports System.Configuration.Install)...I would try adding a Imports System.Configuration statement if you don't have this already

  • Have you added a reference to the System.Configuration assembly in your installer project? (Sorry, I don't remember if it comes with this assembly reference added by default)

