I'm using Play Framework with Scala, Akka and ReactiveMongo. I want to use a collection in MongoDB as a circular queue. Several actors can insert documents into it; one actor retrieves these documents as soon as they're available (a sort of publish-subscribe system). I'm using capped collections and tailable cursor. Everytime I retrieve some documents I have to run the command EmptyCapped to flush the capped collection (it's not possible to REMOVE elements from it) otherwise I retrieve always the same document. is there an alternative solution? for example is there a way to slide a cursor without removing elements? or it's better not to use capped collection in my case?
object MexDB {
def db: reactivemongo.api.DB = ReactiveMongoPlugin.db
val size: Int = 10000
// creating capped collection
val collection: JSONCollection = {
val c = db.collection[JSONCollection]("messages")
val isCapped = coll.convertToCapped(size, None)
Await.ready(isCapped, Duration.Inf)
def insert(mex: Mex) = {
val inserted = collection.insert(mex)
inserted onComplete {
case Failure(e) =>
Logger.info("Error while inserting task: " + e.getMessage())
throw e
case Success(i) =>
Logger.info("Successfully inserted task")
def find(): Enumerator[Mex] = {
val cursor: Cursor[Mex] = collection
// meaning of maxDocs ???
val maxDocs = 1
def removeAll() = {
db.command(new EmptyCapped("messages"))
/*** part of receiver actor code ***/
// inside preStart
val it = Iteratee.fold[Mex, List[Mex]](Nil) {
(partialList, mex) => partialList ::: List(mex)
// Inside "receive" method
case Data =>
val e: Enumerator[Mex] = MexDB.find()
val future = e.run(it)
future onComplete {
case Success(list) =>
list foreach { mex =>
Logger.info("Mex: " + mex.id)
self ! Data
case Failure(e) => Logger.info("Error: "+ e.getMessage())
Your tailable cursor is closed after each found doc as the maxDocs = 1
. To keep it open indefinitely you should omit this limit.
With awaitData
, .onComplete
will only be called if you explicitly shutdown RM.
You need to use some streaming function from the cursor, such as .enumerate
and process each new step/result. See https://github.com/sgodbillon/reactivemongo-tailablecursor-demo/